Single tank, non-tech, I usually try to end a boat dive such that I am on deck with 500 psi min. For a shore dive, 700 psi. However this depends on circumstance, if shore diving in a local where entry and egress require for safety from boats a long underwater swim, I would reserve 1/3 tank. In DaHab, a shore dive, just a couple of days ago, after hitting 120 feet max depth and a 107 minute long dive, 5 minute safety stop at twenty feet, the same dive, I came out with 200 psi in my tank standing on shore. The issue was that it was a long walk to and from and it was windy and there was some longshore current and waves. On the (long) walk out I missed the clip on my primary regulator and it fell into the water and of course quickly free flowed violently draining the tank down. Rookie move, missing the clip and not turning the lever to pre-dive. But, I was just trying to get my Nauticam secured in case I fell or tripped so as not to smash it on rocks. Rookie move.
Boat diving I will sometimes complete my safety stop with still 700 psi on tap and then drift still underwater to the rear of the boat and just hang out at about 10 feet until all the mayhem subsides. If I breath off the 700 psi during that time I just am not going to get excited over it. As long as I have enough air to keep my regulator in my mouth while going up the ladder and not drain the tank completely I feel okay about it.
This being an Advanced (and not solo) and not a Tech forum my above statements reflect no deco diving within recreational limits maximum 130 feet without hard or soft ceiling or penetration, kelp and boat traffic and similar being an exception to be considered for planning.