Area Gulf Water Conditions

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Went out today but probably should have stayed home. N.W. winds at 8 - 10 in the early morning and 15+ after 11am. seas 2 - 3 ft and building. we stayed close to shore and dove new numbers. found something called horseshoe ledge 6 miles off clw beach. a few small scattered 1 - 2 ft ledge sections, some hard bottom, and a tire. deleted it from my list. looked for something called the teel barge but found nothing. visibility was about 25 - 30ft; water temp was 80deg at the surface and 79 at depth. not all days can be perfect. although there wasn't much life on seahorse ledge (a small school of grunts and a 12in red grouper) i still had a nice dive. we found one of the huge magnesium coast guard flares (they use for practice) on the second dive.
Time: 9:30am through 1:00pm
Air / Water : 88 / 78
Wind: Gentle breeze
Water surface - Calm
Viz - good 18'-20' little snoty as day progressed
Depth: 21-25'

Spanish Rocks are great so far this year. Great for shore diving.
Went out Wed 13th, It was a good day to go diving and the divers lucky enough to go had a Great time. Had a baby sea turtle follow one of my divers around... Will have some pictures to post later. Vis was about 35 feet and there still is some Sea Snot in the water. Was a little windy but NOT bad in the a.m. but the wind laid down to almost nothing by noon.

Water temp was still 79 at the bottom in 50 feet off of Clw.

Have 36 divers on the books to dive this weekend but the weather is NOT looking good for this weekend.

Some dive shops called me saying their dive trips to the East Coast have been cancelled and want to try and book with me.

Looks like if weather permits I might be running four trips this weekend.

The good news is the wind is from the East and wind from the East cleans the water up.

The sea breeze will cancel some of it out but will also bring thunder storms when the two meet.

I am praying for good weather.

Have fun and BE SAFE!
Headed out early this morning for a dive site 30 miles off of Clearwater, winds from the East, seas picked up to 4-6' forced us to head back in after making it ~ 25 miles offshore. We did dive the Blackthorn wreck (~ 20 miles off Clearwater) then headed in for a short dive along the ledges (~ 5 miles offshore).

- little current
- 40' vis, 77 deg F @ 80'

- mild to light current
- 8' vis, 80 deg F @ 35'

Out of Clearwater viz was about ten foot; current mild; temp read 76 on the first dive and 75 on the second in 53 fsw.

p.s. I removed a couple of the off-topic posts since we finally have a viz report.
The vis on the first dive with Tracy was about 20'. The second dive, because we came in quite a bit was about 10'.
I was wearing a 3mil full suit and was comfortable, even with the morning rain shower on the way out!
well, we went to spanish rocks and got skunked. the viz was less then 5 feet and the waves and surge was pretty bad as well. on the brite side it was a nice day. the sun was shining and i got to get wet, if only for 30 minutes. water temp was 76.
Dive Vetern reef and another ledge near there. Lots of fish on the Barges. Temp was 78. Lot's of snot in the water. Nice seas, Great day. Vis still down. About 15 feet.
Thinking of taking my charter out to 70 feet Monday to get better Vis. Will report what I see.
Good news. Lots of Bait, Lots of Action on the surface. Saw some footballs jumping out of the water about 3 miles out. Mackeral everywhere. No sharks. Had been seeing a lot of Sandbar sharks. May Hit Rube Allen on the way in. Saw lots of Big fish there last week(GG, Jacks, ect) and some sharks that wanted to get up close to me. Large Sandbar sharks that were females and looked like carrying pups.

Capt. Mike
Sunday 5-24-09

Time: 9:00am through 1:00pm
Air / Water : 85 / 80
Wind: Gentle breeze, Very hot beading sun during SI
Water surface - Slight wave rolling 1-1 1/2'
Tide - Almost at high
Viz - great (for the week of rain we had) 15'-18' little snoty on the way down but beautiful on the bottom
Depth: 33'-35' temp on bottom 78
BT - 2 hrs +

Cool bridge decks, lots of life. We saw angels, nudis, tiny cardinals and the BIGGEST Goliath Grouper I've ever seen. This guy was the size of a bathtub!

What a great day. Sorry to hear about the rocks. HeHe:D

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