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Rats! I hate to see this thread die! First the writer's strike, now this! Does this mean we'll all actually have to get lives?:popcorn:
... After asking friends and researching I do not think Mexico observes red & white dive flags as a symbol for submerged divers (please correct me if I am wrong), it is only recognized as a U.S. symbol.

Wrong. No offense intended, but I get really tired of people that think because this is Mexico we have no laws or regulations/standards to follow. Nothing is further from the truth and we don't get a free-for-all here.

FYI - The red and white dive flag is a universal diver down symbol. The boat captains here know exactly what it is believe it or not and all dive boats here fly the Alpha and the red and white dive flag, as well as the Mexican flag as required by law.

Don't hold your breath that Mexico will adopt US laws, not that we don't already have similar ones regarding boating and diving anyway.

I commend Bill for his sincere concern in working towards a solution to prevent this from happening again, and that is what he is trying to do here. Just like many experienced divers become complacent, experienced Captain's can become complacent. It's not a crime, it's a fact of life and we have to be proactive to ensure that our crews are not becoming complacent. I have also discussed this with my crew and am following Bill's lead to make sure this never happens with one of my boats.

You all (many of you) asked Bill to deliver a full report of his findings/theories, he promised to do so...and now he is chastised for throwing flames in the fire again...when doing exactly what you all seemed to obligate him to do. I'm confused.

I'm not criticizing Jonathan's young age, but perhaps his knee-jerk reaction to post this scathing report on every Scuba internet forum and publication immediately, before first discussing it with Bill is an indication of his limited life experiences. That's not a slam, it's a fact of life...even if he is more mature and has more experience than most 18 year olds. In my opinion, the Monday morning quarterback nature of the forums has caused this to spin out of control and could have been easily and amicably resolved if Jonathan had practiced some restraint with his original post. I hope that this issue was also a lesson learned to Jonathan and the rest of us.
403 posts (now 404)

70 people posted in this thread

12 have 12 or more posts in the thread, I think 5 have 25 or more

about 15-20 of those who posted tried a little levity

Could have been ZERO posts if someone had sent a private message to someone else and worked it out that way

probably 5 million divers in the world and 70 posted on this thread, 17,000 view the thread, probably 16,900 views are from the 70 authors who posted.

this is a small fish in a big pond

next time send a private message
Wow another shot fired. This must end can't we all just get along? Life is short I'm going diving before mine get any shorter
Well, I've tried to add to the thread as much as I could... Now, I'm over it... and out. Don't Bi#$h slap each other too much...
Wrong. No offense intended, but I get really tired of people that think because this is Mexico we have no laws or regulations/standards to follow. Nothing is further from the truth and we don't get a free-for-all here.

FYI - The red and white dive flag is a UNIVERSAL diver down symbol, and as an instructor, I would expect that you were aware of that fact. The boat captains here know exactly what it is believe it or not and all dive boats here fly the Alpha and the red and white dive flag, as well as the Mexican flag as required by law..


What are the regulations and standards in Cozumel in this area? Must the marker be a std "flag" or does one of the multitude of SMBs do the trick? How close must divers stay to a marker? What requirements are place on a boat in observing the marker?


What are the regulations and standards in Cozumel in this area? Must the marker be a std "flag" or does one of the multitude of SMBs do the trick? How close must divers stay to a marker? What requirements are place on a boat in observing the marker?


An SMB or a flag is acceptable.

As far as exact distances,etc. they do exist, but I am looking into the exact figures so that I don't post incorrect information. I just don't know off the top of my head, although I am sure Mago, Adan and Pedro know.

As Bill stated previously, we need to clarify and inform all of the Captains and boat crews as to what the exact definition of maintaining a "safe distance" is.
next time send a private message
A PM to whom? AS wasn't a member? Instead, as this was a local problem, a local communication might have been a good idea. Yet, they are communicating now, in person and here as well, so good is coming from this.


A PM to whom? AS wasn't a member? Instead, as this was a local problem, a local communication might have been a good idea. Yet, they are communicating now, in person and here as well, so good is coming from this.



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