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Probably lots, but I'm not sure why we'd need to know that as dive ops get their reps and they appear on boards like this or in Chapbook etc.

We have a phrase in my line of business called "what if the dog doesn't bark?". If there are issues, a dog barks a warning. If there is no barking, that should mean there are no problems. But does anyone notice (or give credit) when dogs don't bark?:D

How many other incidents occur that are worked out first and we never know it?
Funny how things go online and in real life. As long and winding as the thread was some good seems to come out of it, we get a few lessons in the marine park rules, Bill Horn and Aqua Safari maintain the good reputation earned over many years of hard work, the Boat Captain gets his eyes checked, the dive master and the original poster hopefully learn something about conflict resolution, and we all get to chime in and watch the whole thing unfold remotely. Ain't life grand! Now if only we could all meet for a beer at La Conchita Del Caribe it would all be perfect.

Oh good grief...!
Everyone over 40 needs to wear glasses, whether they admit it or not.

Only true (and then not necessarily) if you include reading glasses. I started wearing reading glasses between 41 and 42. Still don't need a whit of correction for distance. At past 50, now, I still have better distance vision than anyone I know who wears glasses for distance correction. (My eyes were last checked about 5 months ago - so that's not just a subjective assessment.)

Now, put a paper 2 ft from my face and the words on it are pretty blurry - but that has nothing to do with driving or whether I could see a dive flag in the water.

That's not to say that I con't concur with the assessment that this particular captain should probably have his vision checked :)
Funny how things go online and in real life. As long and winding as the thread was some good seems to come out of it, we get a few lessons in the marine park rules, Bill Horn and Aqua Safari maintain the good reputation earned over many years of hard work, the Boat Captain gets his eyes checked, the dive master and the original poster hopefully learn something about conflict resolution, and we all get to chime in and watch the whole thing unfold remotely. Ain't life grand! Now if only we could all meet for a beer at La Conchita Del Caribe it would all be perfect.

Bravo! This was the best post in this entire thread! Haha! Thanks for bringing some levity to the thread :D

I didn't have a doubt in my mind that Bill would handle this situation in the best possible way if given the opportunity. As I said early on, he doesn't settle for second best and has a professional, loyal staff that has been with him for MANY years...THAT speaks volumes! Aqua Safari is the longest running operation on the island for a reason!
edit: yikes DD, that pic is sickening!
Hey, the kid was lucky to not poke his throat or eye, and if other kids see it they may get the safety message. :wink:
Hey, the kid was lucky to not poke his throat or eye, and if other kids see it they may get the safety message. :wink:

Yea and wouldn't ya know the kid would have to have a Minnesota Twins T-shirt on!:11doh:

Old Gaffer
I couldn't take the time to write this earlier due to other important commitments but can now. As a representative of another forum dedicated to Cozumel tourism I want to congratulate all parties involved for getting this sorted out and awakening others to several potential risks. I don't think I have met Mr Horn even though I did several dives with Aqua Safari in Dec 2000 but will make a point of tracking him down next trip to shake his hand in thanks for the way he handled this. Not once did he try to assign blame, nor defend his staff as simply being in the right because they are his employees. On the contrary, he provided every single way to contact him plus where to find him for a face to face meeting to get to the bottom of it, and followed through. I personally am very impressed by his efforts, and frankly can't think of any other business I have ever dealt with that went so far to explore possible issues with what should have been a routine dive trip by one of his boats with his staff on board. Not only did he agree to be there which by itself was a very good starting point to begin sorting it out but he made a point to offer to provide the boat captain & the divemaster, which meant all involved were there to hash it out, for good or for bad.
From the view I have as an outside observer it seems they ALL were able to say their piece, without undue accusations or extreme attitude problems, and resolve something that could easily have become a shouting match over who owned the rights to that particular section of Paradise Reef. It looks like it was a very unfortunate accident which luckily only raised awareness since no one was injured physically (PO'ed at the time maybe, but not injured). For Mr Horn to get on top of this as quickly as he did, and in the way he did proves to me that he clearly has everyones safety at the top of his list of customer satisfaction, and he isn't taking that lightly, even if it means bringing it to the attention of a staff member no matter how long they have been employed there. Once again I will say GOOD JOB, WELL DONE all of you, you all deserve our respect for being able to sort this out in an honorable and honest way.
Thanks, Larry, aka cicopo at Tripadvisor.
Estimados Jonathan, Morgan and Ted,

Allow me to invite you to Jeannie's Waffle Thursday morning at 8:45 AM and ask you to bring your buoy.

I would ask my instructors to bring theirs; as they use theirs every day and it's obviously important to them.

I would also ask Pro-Dive Scuba Boutique to show us what they have, and Larry at Regulator Repair to see what he has.

Bring your trunks, mask and fins too. We can get in the water first and then break fast.

RSVP would be nice to keep from inconveniencing people if unable to meet; please.

I hope we can get together,
Bill Horn
Estimados Jonathan, Morgan and Ted,

Allow me to invite you to Jeannie's Waffle Thursday morning at 8:45 AM and ask you to bring your buoy.

I would ask my instructors to bring theirs; as they use theirs every day and it's obviously important to them.
I would also ask Pro-Dive Scuba Boutique to show us what they have, and Larry at regulator repair to see what he has.
Bring your trunks, mask and fins too. We can get in the water first and then breakfast.
RSVP would be nice to keep from inconveniencing people for no reason.

I hope we can get together,
Bill Horn

I, unfortunately, am occupied for the rest of the week. However I will pass on your message to Ted and Morgan and see if they are available.:coffee:

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