April roll call

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All this talk about bugs, jellyfish, rough weather, port closures, motion sickness and “old people” has me questioning this diving nonsense. Maybe it’s time to take up yoga…

Pssh!! Despite the hipsters, you're not going to escape the old people by taking up yoga....

Mas tequila, por favor!!

Now if you could get El Norte spray repellent, I’d be all over that!

Yes-we lost the afternoon yesterday and the morning today.
I hate this for all the SBer’s there now. Looking back at Christi’s Sticky thread April was a low risk month. Truly bad luck.

Hoping for better weather today for eveyone. We had 2 tornados touch down Sunday about 20 miles from us from this system.
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Pool’s open! Dive Dive Dive!

Hope you all have a great day diving!
We dove two tanks this am. Water was pristine, although chilly at 78 per my computer. During surface interval we went to the concrete pier down south. We were not allowed to step onto pier(per some guy chasing dive boats away). I guess this is something new. This afternoon winds are picking up, lots of whitecaps.
I have a group of 10 dive buddies staying at Casa Mexicana and diving with Tres Pelicanos from April 27th - May 4th. Hoping for improved conditions!

Oops...forgive the duplicate post :confused:
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4/28 -5/1, Casa Belmont, Tres pelicanos (of course). Need to see my dentist and want to see how Julio's boat is coming along. Still plan on coming back the next week.

ccannon707.............3/22 to 4/12.........Casa Amarilla............Adrian/Maya Divers
Scubagolf...................3/23 to 4/2...........Scuba Club.................Scuba Club
and missus................3/27 to 4/8................................................Blue Magic
Queen Triggerfish.....4/2 to 4/6...............Bahia Suites...............Tres Pelicanos
Guitarcrazy and wife..4/5 to 4/11............Casa Mexicana...........
ckofabq.....................4/5 to 4/13.............Sunscape Sabor........Blue XTSea
Candace, James
and Dad....................4/6 to 4/17.............Scuba Club.................Scuba Club
gopbroek..................4/7 to 4/10............”Casa Belmont”...........Tres Pelicanos
Jim & Rebecca..........4/7 to 4/17............Suites Turqesa...........Aldora
jbjclj and Cheryl........4/11 to 5/14...........Villa las Anclas...........Tres Pelicanos
bshort4......................4/13 to 4/20..........Sunscape Sabor........Dive with Cristina
LimitedSlip7...............4/13 to 4/22..........Hotel Cozumel...........Tres Pelicanos
ggunn and Herd........4/13 to 4/27..........Blue Angel..................Blue Angel
morecowbells +........4/14 to 4/20.........Residencias Reef.......Bottom Time Divers
Charred and Kristen...4/14 to 4/21.........Iberostar....................Tres Pelicanos +
tridacna and crew......4/14 to 4/21.........Scuba Club.................Scuba Club
cobra269....................4/14 to 5/5............Residencias Reef.......Dive with Martin
extexdiver, jtexdiver +..4/15 to 4/21........El Cantil......................Tres Pelicanos
willmann_nc...............4/21 to 4/28..........Cozumel Palace.........Dive with Martin
bsppc and crew.........4/21 to 4/28..........Park Royal..................Diving with Alison
uncfnp and Soloist.....4/21 to 4/30.........Casa Mexicana...........Tres Pelicanos
stuartv........................4/21 to 4/28.........Iberostar......................Tres Pelicanos
Rich Hagelin...............4/26 to 4/30.........Casa Mexicana..........Living Underwater
Aqua Dive Travel........4/27 to 5/4.........Casa Mexicana............Tres Pelicanos
Streydog.....................4/27 to 5/2.........Suites Bahia..................Aldora
Scott/Carol &
Motor City Scuba(14)..4/28 to 5/5.........Occidental...................Prodive
northernone...............All month..............................................doing his own thing
MMM..........................All Month............Private Home.............Living Underwater
gopbroek....................4/28 to 5/1..........Casa Belmont............Tres Pelicanos
Interesting resident at the caleta...

I just got back last night. The only skeeters that found us were the ones near the big cieba tree about halfway across the southern traverse of the island. It had been very dry, though; Thursday and Friday nights there were big rains. Things may have changed.
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