Anyone still have fun diving?

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Diving now for 45 years and I probably love it even more now than I did when I started... in fact, I know I do. I don't file any dive reports here (they are on another site), but the Joy of Diving is second only to the Joy of ...
pilot fish:
Good question. Nah, diving is horrible. We only do it because we are forced to by our LDS and the Scuba Board. Imagine having to go to places that have white beaches and palm trees, not to mention reefs, walls and trade winds? Awful. Some places we dive even have loads of fish in the water. ugh! Yeah, no one here likes diving.,
And fish poop! Don't forget about that awful fish poop!

I'm still a newbie, and still come up the boat ladder giddy from a great dive. As someone else said, isn't any day on the water a joyful day?
My instructer/buddy called me last week and told me of a dive he was planning with a student, saying, "... it might not be too much fun for you." I laughed and replied, "I have never been on a dive and didn't have fun."
Even if it is watching someone going through their first dive or a low viz dive on a silty bottom, I always come away from a dive with lots. Learning something you are interested in is just so much fun.
The big love of my life (sport wise) is racing. Presently I now do rallying and I have to tell you though, diving is giving it a close run for the money. One similarity with the two is that though I do get a very personal pleasure from doing both, over the last few years I started doing more rallying than circuit racing because I had someone there in the car sharing the experience. You get a nice feeling when you hear, "Wicked." over the intercom while doing a stage. That is probably why I like diving with a buddy... lot more fun when I share the many 'first experiences/encounters'.
As a non-diving friend said to me recently after sharing yet another dive photo, "Well, I see if you are not getting 'seat time', you are getting 'sea time'.
LOL... I guess so...
It's great to read how many people still have a good time diving. For my two cents, I've dove under the ice:confused: , lakes with no vis:shakehead , off the Maine coast, the Keys, Jamcia, Grand Cayman, Roatan:D , ............

I still look forward to Open Water check out dives with the students, because I'm in the water, and if pressed, even the pool work is o.k. with me.

Just being under the water, weightless, silent, and free:wink: is a great way to re-charge the batteries for the week to come.

Damn, now the cats out of the bag, everone will want to dive......
However, one thing I find glaringly missing on these boards is anyone, except for a few newbies, expressing any shear joy about a dive.

it goes without saying

besides, the best way to say it is to be exited about all things concerning diving,
and talk about them when you're not diving

and ... there's only so many times you can say "boy oh boy! i'm so exited about diving!"

boy oh boy...I sure am excited about my dives yesterday. hey, I wrote a very exuberant report too.
boy oh boy!

Unfortunately, many divers try to make diving rocket science which it's not. Never ever make a dive that you do not have the training to execute safely. Always dive within your abilities and skill level and you'll be able to enjoy many years of diving. I made my first dive in 1971 and I've been diving ever since. Diving never gets old, and every dive is a new experience. Along the way you'll meet people who will become friends and dive buddies for life. Sometimes I want the dive to last forever. Good luck with your diving and dive safely. :palmtree: Bob
Rick Inman:
Or golf. Some people seem to enjoy that.

Hmm, Yeah seams like everytime I'm on the golf course I hear people cursing and throwing their clubs in the water hazards, drinking heavily, arguing about the score, and so on. At the clubhouse you hear them saying what a fantastic time they had.

People do what they do because they love it. They don't talk about how much they love it because they DO it.

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