Anyone still have fun diving?

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Of course I enjoy diving..even those moments in zero viz and darkness, when I'm thinking if I see anything come of out of the gloom towards me, my next set of bubbles will be brown :D

It's even funnier when the warm water wusses say "you did what? where? when? how cold?"

For me every dive is fun and a chance to see something new, and practice other stuff.
If only there were enough words to explain the thrill of diving... :eyebrow: I can think of on other way than saying that i LOVE to be back in the water, either on a staff dive or with clients, i especially love a marine reserve called El Toro, its a small island, has a platform at 7m, great for safety stops, gret for practicing skills, and its covered in life, you;ll go :11: if you'd stop to look at every,i go mad looknig for nudibranches everywhere, and then the feeling of floating from the platform down onto the rock which go to some 40m, you float down to some 28m, you look up, youve got some 20m of vis, clear water, full of damselfish, schools of baracuda (espeton,mediterian species) gliding by, you look down to a rock, you've got morey eels peering out, some really big ones lurking around,conger eels hidden away, you look up and theres another gruppa, you ask your clients for air, and u wish that time would go slower, time to start going up, you pass by the wall at 16m on the way back, rocks in just a hands reach 2 octopi in a hole, one crawling across the wall,just watching them change colour... then a small octopi, so you strat to stroke the rocks near him,and he slowly unravels a tentacle... times gonig by... back up to the platform, another school of baracudas, while doing the safety stop you hand on the platfor peering down into the beautiful blue, wishing you had nitrox and maybe a 15l tank to stay down for, hours... :D
But maybe that's not such a bad idea: we'd have more coastline to dive. OK, then, go ahead and let's tell the world we LOVE diving! Dodger Stadium would make a cool dive site.

See? Global warming isn't such a bad thing after all. Can you imagine how awesome it'll be to be able to dive New York after the water crests over it? Remember that scene in the movie AI where all the skyscrapers are underwater?
I think the main reason you see people are so crabby on this board is because they're NOT diving. :) I suspect a lot of the sniping you see here goes away the second they step on a boat, to be replaced by big happy smiles...

:D <-- me on a boat (or beach!)
I think the main reason you see people are so crabby on this board is because they're NOT diving. :) I suspect a lot of the sniping you see here goes away the second they step on a boat, to be replaced by big happy smiles...

:D <-- me on a boat (or beach!)

Who needs a boat? This weekend I have two days of "shore" diving from the "beach" at Sutton Lake, WV. Of the other three divers, I've only met one of them before - just once! I get to make bubbles and meet new buddies :D
Every minute I can spend diving is awesome!
I think the main reason you see people are so crabby on this board is because they're NOT diving. :) I suspect a lot of the sniping you see here goes away the second they step on a boat, to be replaced by big happy smiles...

:D <-- me on a boat (or beach!)

People are crabby here? You must be hanging out in the BP/W vrs BC forum. :11:

On the serious side. most people that get into diving do it for the sheer fun of it. As you get more dives under your belt, you'll want to try different things. That's why there are specialty courses from your LDS. You'll also want different gear. We normally dive in lakes around here, so our group tries to spice it up by creating "Missions" for our dives. We have a few things we use for search & recovery, so we move them from time to time, and we search for submerged bridges, homes, or whatever.

Someone earlier compared diving to sex. That's a good comparison. After all, you didn't use the handcuffs the 1st time did you?
If only there were enough words to explain the thrill of diving... :eyebrow: I can think of on other way than saying that i LOVE to be back in the water, either on a staff dive or with clients, i especially love a marine reserve called El Toro, its a small island, has a platform at 7m, great for safety stops, gret for practicing skills, and its covered in life, you;ll go :11: if you'd stop to look at every,i go mad looknig for nudibranches everywhere, and then the feeling of floating from the platform down onto the rock which go to some 40m, you float down to some 28m, you look up, youve got some 20m of vis, clear water, full of damselfish, schools of baracuda (espeton,mediterian species) gliding by, you look down to a rock, you've got morey eels peering out, some really big ones lurking around,conger eels hidden away, you look up and theres another gruppa, you ask your clients for air, and u wish that time would go slower, time to start going up, you pass by the wall at 16m on the way back, rocks in just a hands reach 2 octopi in a hole, one crawling across the wall,just watching them change colour... then a small octopi, so you strat to stroke the rocks near him,and he slowly unravels a tentacle... times gonig by... back up to the platform, another school of baracudas, while doing the safety stop you hand on the platfor peering down into the beautiful blue, wishing you had nitrox and maybe a 15l tank to stay down for, hours... :D
See, now THAT'S what I'm talkin about :D Drat, now I have to see if there's room on aboat this weekend. Gotta get wet.
I had fun just last weekend. Got to try out a $10,000 UW Video a lake.

When I'm not in teach mode I allways have fun....I do make sure my students have fun though. I have LOTS of fun in Cozumel, but I really have to agree that some people don't have fun and still have to brag about what a great diver's they are.

This is why I run my own show now with my own dive business. Friends tell me I'm a different guy than last year this time when I was involved with someone elses LDS.

Well...if the picture section would ever come back online (sys ops take note) you could see we have lots of fun...


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