Anyone still have fun diving?

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Fun? Every single time, no matter if it is at some beautiful, far destination or locally practicing skills. I see your point about how with all the other talk it may not seems like having fun. But I also wonder if maybe one of the reasons people don't say that very often is because it is such a shared experience, and it is always fun, that it is one of those things that is just implied (assumed) and not said out loud. If people weren't having fun I assume they would be doing something else.
I have fun diving, but I wear a back inflate BC with an Air2 and most of my gear is blue.
Ha! I guess it takes one to know one! :D
If you're not having fun diving, take up tennis.
Or golf. Some people seem to enjoy that.
Truer words were never spoken.

I don't think we would keep diving if it wasn't fun, so therefore it is somewhat of an "unspoken acceptance" that we all have fun diving.

For my own experience, I REALLY like to dive. I achieve a Zen-like state of relaxation when I dive. For me, it is a form of therapy and a chance to escape the stress of the world.

diversolo: Well said. I feel the same way. After almost 35 years of diving I still look forward to the peace and tranquility underwater. Most of the time I am solo. I like early morning dives to start the day on a liveaboard. I think most of the folks on this board enjoy their diving and are not just keyboard divers.
Thanks all. I thoroughly enjoy every minute of every dive, and I don't have the legs for tennis. I really do appreciate all the tips and discourse, all of which I am sure will make me a better diver. And maybe the enjoyment is a given, but I know I also enjoy hearing about someone else's great times. That way I can be submerged vicariously while topside, and maybe plan next years dive trip.

BTW, I also belong to some other boards other than diving and do find the information and the way it is presented here to be far and away the best I have seen. The lack of trolls, and agree to disagree attitude (no severe flame outs) is refreshing. And I believe the opinions and information when presented is well thought out and factual. Glad I get to be part of it.
Don't you know you can't have fun unless you own certain brands of gear?

I actually get sad when I see my SPG head toward 500. I feel like a kid at the pool when his mom makes him get out.
I HATE IT! Its not fun at all...stupid fish...and those darned sharks I'm always travelling around to see...bubbles shmubbles.

Basic Scuba is the wrong forum to see the fun...check out the specialized forums and you'll catch more of the kumbaya-happy-schmaltzy stuff.

Now that I think of it, 90% of the discussions I have with people I dive with are not about how fun it is, but just discussions AROUND scuba. Whereas 90% of the discussions about scuba I have with people who DON'T dive are about how much fun it is. I guess that might 'splain why things is as they is in the forum.

The lack of trolls, and agree to disagree attitude (no severe flame outs) is refreshing.
:lol: stick around...they happen...but at least they are usually valid :lol:

Ask, and ye shall recieve...
Shhh! Shush! You're not supposed to tell anyone we're having so much fun. :no Its a secret.

If EVERYONE found out how much fun diving is -- how wonderful, fantastic, exhilerating, and relaxing -- the ocean would be overflowing with divers. The dive resorts would be packed all year round, you'd never get a hotel anywhere in the Caribbean. So many divers would flock to California for the enchanted kelp forests and camera-hog Garabaldi's that just the added weight from the influx of humanity would probably do what the San Andreas fault has not been able to accomplish these many years and finally separate CA from the mainland. But maybe that's not such a bad idea: we'd have more coastline to dive. OK, then, go ahead and let's tell the world we LOVE diving! Dodger Stadium would make a cool dive site.

(My profile says 'South Carolina', but I'm a So. California native...Go Trojans!)
Dodger Stadium would make a cool dive site.

There are a lot of sites in L.A. that would be better off underwater. Dodger Stadium is no place to watch baseball!

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