Anybody up for a Lanier or Jocassee Dive?

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The viz was rather poor today, but that didn't keep us from diving. 2-5' most of the time.

It was a new experience for me, even after several rather low viz quarry dives. But I'd recommend it for anybody once, as it's a pretty effective demonstration of a few things. First, it's reminder of how important it is to keep your eye on your buddy at all times. There were times I couldn't see the end of my arm, and so Matt and I got separated from Jeremy and Jessie, who were towing the flag.

Which brings me to buoyancy. I guess I was slightly underweighted with the gear and suit I was wearing. In one section of the lake I was attempting to stay just above the silt-launching grass at 5-10 ft, because bad viz went to worse whenever any of that grass got disturbed. Even with an empty BC I had a hard time staying submerged. When you're not near the flag and you hear boats nearby, vivid images of manatees flash through your head.

Finally, the IFR practice was great. I don't think I put my compass down for more than a couple of minutes, and every time I did I seemed to end up 90-180 degrees off course. Good motivation to move it off the hated console and onto the wrist as god and Hogarth intended.

It was a pleasure to meet Matt, Jeremy, Jessie, and Matt's surface support Fran. None of us appeared to be axe-wielding maniacs, and I figure if we're game for Juliette we're game for anything :)

I'm definitely up for Lanier or Jocassee or just about anywhere. I'll probably sit out the night dive until I've seen it during the day. I've got a 3pm thing to attend this Saturday, but a dive in the morning or anytime Sunday would be cool.
Tuesday or Wednesday are best for me, but in a pinch I could do Friday. I'll just have to suck up to 'she who must be obeyed' for Friday clearance though.
Alright lets firm up this night dive. Everybody seems to be ok for tomorrow evening, so lets do it. I am going to meet the kraken up at WBP and do some maping dives with him around 4:30. I guess we'll be up there the rest of the day (might have to run to get some diner in the middle of it all or something. Lets plan to hit the water for the night dive at 8:30, so we can be out by 9:30, and out of the park by 10:00 (close of park). If you need my cell #, let me know, but I believe everyone has it.

Rsanders: Sounds good bud, glad you are still willing to come on out after such tough conditions this past weekend, lol. We will firm up our plans for this weekend once everyone speaks out with what day/timeframe would be good for them to all get together for a dive or two.

Thanks TK and ScubaPT for coming on out for the nightdive. TK and I met earlier in the day at WBP to the sound of thunder in the distance. We geared up anyway and never saw a drop of rain nor lightning. Viz was pretty poor, 5' at the best. There was a ton of particles in the water, so much so that when I got out I had sand in my ear. Lovely. The first dive TK and I were mapping the cove. Unfortunately one of our measurement tools had a slight snag, and all was lost. Oh well, there is always another day to survey. My mask sucks (have a new one on order that actually fits), but it's been leaking badly lately. I told TK this before hand, and of course it was leaking and flooding the whole dive. I could hardly see a foot, so had to ask what the viz was when I got out.. :)

So after the dive that was a little bit disappointing, then I lock my keys in my car, lovely. So I wait for my girlfriend to run up to the Lake with a spare set of keys. By the time she makes it through traffic ScubaPT had already shown up. I hadn't eaten all day, but decided to go dive anyway after the last experience. I was going to go get a bite to eat in-between dives, but of course with the keys locked in the car it wasn't possible. So we gear up with a bunch of people curious why we are going out at night. The night dive was fun, and quite a bit more fun since my mask hardly leaked and didn't fog on this dive. Viz was still in the 5' range. Must be really poor in all the lakes around here after the rain we have had. I haven't seen it this bad in awhile. Saw some bigsized catfish and crawfish, lots of sleeping/resting fish that wearn't too pleased with us cruising by with our lights. Still had a great time on this dive. Got cold down at about 57' where the forest starts. Temp reading I got was 64F and I wasn't in the proper protection for that. Signaled and we went to warmer water. I couldn't see the moon, or any light penetrating the water at just 6-8' of water at times. Viz was really down.. :( Thanks TK and ScubaPT for coming out and I hope we can get some more night dives in the future. That was a great time.

Kyle had to work late so he wasn't able to come on out, but he didn't miss much (5' viz). I think he and I may be going out for a night dive on Friday if anybody is interested. Since the lake viz is pretty poor, I doubt I will go back out though during the day this weekend. I think I will probably just take it easy and then go to rockdivers the 27th.

Hey, Looney Bird !!!

I enjoyed it too !!!
Wish I had dressed a little cooler. Man, I was WARM when I got out.

Anytime except Wednesdays . . . the church choir just cannot exist without my lovely tenor voice.

Ah, when I sing "O' Danny Boy" the angels surely weep from joy . . . !!!
It was good to dive with you guys again.

I saw more fish on this dive than on any previous dive at Lanier.
The night dives are so relaxing, no boat noise, just the sound of your regulator. I enjoyed just flipping over and looking at the moonlight being reflected on the surface.

We'll have to do it again sometime.
By the way, guys, what is your take on the light output from my Light Cannon?

the K
The Kraken:
By the way, guys, what is your take on the light output from my Light Cannon?

the K
I thought all the lights on the dive were effective and I could see them all from a pretty decent distance (considering how poor viz was.) I still say the 10w HID can had them all beat though. Of course the Light Cannon is 1/5th the price. The green glow stick still stood out better than anything else though. I've always been impressed with the Light cannons everytime I've seen one. They definately throw out some high output for a good price.

The silent part of the dive was very nice. I'd love to get out there one day in the late fall/early winter when nobody is on the lake when it has better viz and do a nice long night dive.

Good light output without frying the fish, plus not nearly as expensive as the can lights.
I've been looking at getting one myself.

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