Announcing the SubGravity H3 - Powered by SeaBear

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Screen grab from a GoPro video of one of my recent cave dives in North Florida. Predator on top, H3 on bottom.


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Screen grab from a GoPro video of one of my recent cave dives in North Florida. Predator on top, H3 on bottom.

And their respective brightness settings? The SB is brighter in your photo, but its display is also less clear despite having larger characters. Hard to tell if it's actually an inferior screen or just glare on the camera, though.
Plus the shearwater is displaying a lot more datapoints. Still, I would not mind testing one, buying different story.
And their respective brightness settings? The SB is brighter in your photo, but its display is also less clear despite having larger characters. Hard to tell if it's actually an inferior screen or just glare on the camera, though.
They are both OLED screens. I have the brightness turned down on the Predator. I did not adjust the brightness on the H3. The difference in sharpness you're seeing is due to glare and angle of shot.

---------- Post added June 25th, 2015 at 02:39 PM ----------

Plus the shearwater is displaying a lot more datapoints. Still, I would not mind testing one, buying different story.
More data is available at the push of a button :D

---------- Post added June 25th, 2015 at 02:48 PM ----------

What do you think of the H3 so far ?
It was a birthday gift, so I'm not out any money :blinking:. I like everything about this computer. Easy to set up and easy to use while diving. I've even worn it as a watch a few times. Also, Subgravity is quick to answer any questions I have. Did anybody notice the difference in depth readings? Subgravity is supposed to be releasing an update with what they call a "science unlock" so you can adjust for salt or fresh water. I have the Predator set for fresh. Granted it's an expensive computer, but IMHO, it's worth it.

Definitely considering the Seabear H3. I might wait for the AI release though.

I wonder how much the currency rates are affecting competitive pricing. Petrel I believe is made in Canada and Seabear, Xdeep, OSTC are from Europe ?

1 U.S dollar = .89 Euro and 1.23 Canadian Dollar
Did anyone notice the HUGE difference in NDL on the computers? For the same dive the SeaBear was giving 147 mins, and the Shearwater was giving 94 mins. What accouints for this, when they both run Buhlman Z 16?
Did anyone notice the HUGE difference in NDL on the computers? For the same dive the SeaBear was giving 147 mins, and the Shearwater was giving 94 mins. What accouints for this, when they both run Buhlman Z 16?

You're assuming the Predator's not set to VPM, but even if they're both running Buhlman the high gradient factor on the Predator may be set lower than whatever the surfacing limitation is on the H3.
I think you will find that the SubGravity H3 powered by Seabear will show almost the same amount of deco obligation as the Petrel when they are both using the same algorithm with the same GF. I dove them side by side for a two week period to test out the H3 and there was virtually no difference in the NDLs or deco time and stops while in deco.
You're assuming the Predator's not set to VPM, but even if they're both running Buhlman the high gradient factor on the Predator may be set lower than whatever the surfacing limitation is on the H3.

I was wondering that, but I assumed (dangerous, I know) that they would both be set the same for the same dive. Maybe there was an already existing nitrogen load on the predator. Anyway, thanks to mixaddict for clarifying that when all things are equal they are essentially equivalent. I am going to try and get to DGX in person to see both of them side by side. As I am a rec diver I will be interested to see how the petrel rec mode compares to the "big number" mode on the H3 in terms of visibility.

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