Guy Alcala
Man, I only have 4 tanks (2 HP 100's, 1 HP 119, 1 LP 108). I feel very "little". I better buy some more (and help the economy).
I'm currently in a similar situation:
2 x HP100s
2 x LP112s (or 108s if they didn't say OMS on them)
I use the 100s for boat diving and rough entries like Monastery, the 112s for easy shore entries, or if I need a lot of gas (@ 3500 PSI, I've got about 149 cu.ft.) and am going on a long, fast swim. I bought the 112s used and was given the 100s shortly after (had to replace one valve and VIP them), as the owner was tired of changing weights between the Asahis and his PSTs.
Next up, a set of HP100 or LP85 doubles for Fundies, if I can't borrow/rent some. My current 100s are Asahis, and those suckers are each 12.5 lb./5 lb. negative full/empty, and have the 7/8" tilted-up valves which I dislike. I'm not doubling them up unless forced to by poverty, although they do have right and left modular valves so all I need to find is the appropriate crossbar. Then I'll have to start acquiring deco tanks and an argon tank post Fundies, on the way to Tech 1.
Originally Posted by Hepcat62

The 85s are my latest addition and are just sitting there with a few hundred pounds each, anxiously awaiting the purchase of some 7" bands and a manifold. I picked up the set used for under $200, and they're in decent enough shape to make for some good introductory doubles.

Did you pick those up at the Wallin's sale?