Absurd dive equipment

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pneumatic tank bands
Big knife with ankle straps (unless you're spearing.)
shrink wrap tank decals
neoprene tank protectors
(mesh tank protectors too!)

I saw a guy at Gilboa who carried a small orange spool (it looked like a dumbell for wrist curls, but it floated) with maybe 75 feet of line and a small weight on the end. I asked what it was for - it's in case he drops stuff, he can unhook the floaty thing, let the weight drop and go down and find what was lost. He carries it on every single dive, rigged right there on his right shoulder.

And of course, don't foget the ultimate stupid accesory - the Spare Air!
Boogie711 once bubbled...
I saw a guy at Gilboa who carried a small orange spool (it looked like a dumbell for wrist curls, but it floated) with maybe 75 feet of line and a small weight on the end. I asked what it was for - it's in case he drops stuff, he can unhook the floaty thing, let the weight drop and go down and find what was lost. He carries it on every single dive, rigged right there on his right shoulder.

OMG... You've got to be kidding...

I'm amazed at the crap that people buy. Do they not realize how simplifying gear can work wonders for the dive experience?

I once saw a dude that felt that a sunglasses holder was an important scuba accessory... He'd put his sunglasses in it, which was clipped to the shoulder of his BC. That way, he'd have them to wear when he surfaced.

I mean, c'mon people... Sure, sunglasses are nice to have on the surface, but doesn't it make more sense to leave them in the dive bag? I mean, a sandwich and a Coke might be nice, too, but I wouldn't clip them off to my BC...

RavenC: Tell them about the cool little drybox for your car keys. :D
Those "barbell thingies" are actually surface markers used in fishing competitions to mark spots that you find via sonar.

You cruise over a spot, see the fish on the finder, chuck the marker overboard and then come around again and fish.

If the current or wind blows you off your spot, no problem.

I am thinking of using one off of my kayak to mark "interesting" spots that my sonar picks up.

That way when I drift due to current and wind I'll be able to quickly return to the spot.

I don't think I'd bring it on every dive though.

The light up tank valve knob?

has anyone else seen this? I don't get it. you take off your regular knob and this knob with a light goes in its place....

have you ever not been able to find your tank valve when you needed it?
oh for night dives you say? I always figured the 1 zillion candle powered light was enough for anyones buddies to find them...
Interviewer talking with Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to successfully climb Mt. Everest:

I: "...So, what was it like, and what do you attribute your success to?"

SEH: "Well, it was great, just great... We decided that blue parkas were so much better than red ones that we were able to ascend to the top with no problems whatsoever."

Interviewer talking with Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon:

I: "Why do you think that you were able to do this, when nobody's ever been able to do this before?"

NA: "Well, it's just a damn good thing that we used ink pens instead of pencils, 'cause you know how important it is that pens are easier to write with."

Interviewer talking with Jacques Cousteau, after his deep-diving manned submersible Treste set a world record:

I: "...So what's it like to have gone deeper than any man on Earth?"

JC: "Yes, yes... It's wonderful. It's a great thing that we used Duralube engine oil in the generator of the ship to power the Treste... You know, we get 15% better fuel economy with Duralube."

Do y'all get the picture? It's all about FOCUS. If you're busy thinking about some new whizbang gadget, then you might not be focused on diving.

Scuba is a gear-intensive sport, folks, but not because it works better that way... It's because it has to be. Frankly, we'd be better off not needing any gear whatsoever. Unfortunately, there's a few things we have to have to scuba dive. Minimizing other gadgets and crapola hanging off of you works in great ways to keep your focus on the dive, where it should be, instead of on some super-duper contraption that can dive for you.
nyresq once bubbled...
The light up tank valve knob?

has anyone else seen this? I don't get it. you take off your regular knob and this knob with a light goes in its place....

have you ever not been able to find your tank valve when you needed it?
oh for night dives you say? I always figured the 1 zillion candle powered light was enough for anyones buddies to find them...


Uhhhh... It should be right where you left it. :)
SeaJay once bubbled...
Interviewer talking with Jacques Cousteau, after his deep-diving manned submersible Treste set a world record:

Historical note:
Cousteau was not involved with the Trieste. That was designed by Professor Piccard, a Swiss inventor who was also a record setting high altitude balloonist. The Trieste was leased to the US Navy when it set the depth record. A Navy lieutenant was officially in command, but Piccard's son was at the controls.
Rick,I just couldn't think of any use for'em.Atho I could think of a place for folks to keep'em :wink:.The Biofilter,Spare Air,Suicide clips,X-brackets etc..,Cameras submersible to 130' with no flash..duh,Keep it up ,let's here some more.

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