Well said and right on the money
On my trip to Bikini in Truk Master, I was in the forward bunk at the bow. The escape hatch was at the bow, and I did have that in my mind. I too would take a California live aboard, only after ensuring that the ship was to my satisfaction. Liveaboards in third world countries concern me though. Less stringent and poorlly enforced regulations. Still the chance of it happening are quite small, similar to plane accidents.
On my trip to Bikini in Truk Master, I was in the forward bunk at the bow. The escape hatch was at the bow, and I did have that in my mind. I too would take a California live aboard, only after ensuring that the ship was to my satisfaction. Liveaboards in third world countries concern me though. Less stringent and poorlly enforced regulations. Still the chance of it happening are quite small, similar to plane accidents.