So anyway, against the advice of some on here, I completed my Master Scuba Diver, thoroughly enjoyed it, and became a more proficient diver (Underwater Navigation, Dry Suit, Enriched Air, Deep and Wreck specialties). I’d recommend it as a way to cohere a training pathway for other recreational divers, don’t listen to the haters. It set me up well for wreck diving in the Adriatic in November. Oh, and PADI didn’t charge me (or my dive shop) for it, so it was free.
What was interesting was that the certificate that comes with it implies that MSD is or was a single course - ‘Leatherboot has completed a course of instruction in scuba diving’. Maybe an interesting historical hangover from pre-modularisation days when scuba courses were weeks or months long, and also something I’ve implied elsewhere that MSD should be seen as a single unified training pipeline that’s been modularised to make it more appealing and accessible.
I also don’t find the comparison between PADI and NAUI MSD particularly helpful. I mean, all other things being equal, on top of the other requirements, it’s five courses of mostly 2-4 dives each plus 50 dives with PADI, or NAUI with one course of eight dives.

Some people just really like longer courses and some like flexible ones.
Next question: I’ve also just completed the PADI Dive Theory course. Does anyone have any experience or factual information about how it compares to SSI Science of Diving or NAUI MSD Dive Theory?