Comparing diver specialties to Scout Merit Badges is overly simplistic. First of all, most merit badges require far, far more work than almost any specialty course. Take the drift diving 'merit badge'. 2 dives, you drop off the back of the boat and get back on... twice. Big whoop. Sure, the student mike tote the flag, but they don't have to. It'd be nice if they were taught boat etiquette, but I haven't seen that being covered on the boats, and few divers ever try to keep their stuffola together and out of other people's way. In my eyes, it's a useless specialty.
Then there's peak performance buoyancy, where many students are taught how to float in a Budha pose. OMG x100,000,000. That misses the point, in that trim and buoyancy are a critical open water skill. When my son passed away, I cancelled one of my remedial trim, buoyancy, and propulsion classes. They went to a local shop, one I recommended. What did they do? They simply added a butt tonne of weight, and the student left in tears. I put aside my grief and got him sorted out. It's actually what I needed at the time. No, I'm not especially gifted, just competent. It's my opinion that once taught how, any instructor could have the same results. They just haven't been taught.