Master Beekeeper
Must have three years of beekeeping experience.
Must have held Journeyman rank at least one year.
Must pass a written test (over Institute lectures) and practical documentation.
Complete 10 units of public service work beyond that required for Journeyman (see public service requirements).
Practical documentation must include subspecialty #1, plus four others from this list for a total of five. Evidence for each must be presented in a portfolio as with the Public Service Credits (see public service requirements).
Demonstrating theoretic knowledge of Integrated Pest Management, practical competence in its application, and personal commitment to its precepts.
Winning 1st or 2nd place in any class in an authorized honey show (not to exceed 2 subspecialty credits).
Winning 1st or 2nd place in an authorized competition in beeswax.
Publishing article in beekeeping publication (excluding newsletters).
Publishing article in a non-beekeeping publication (with at least state-wide distribution).
Being recognized as a beekeeping authority in your local area by appearing on radio, TV, or other public medium.
Documenting training in life-saving treatment of persons suffering from allergic reactions to insect stings from a recognized certifying entity such as the American Red Cross or American Heart Association.
Attending at least three regional (multi-state), national or international beekeeping meetings.
Conducting a program or workshop at a state, regional, national or international meeting or convention.
Demonstrating competence in small-scale queen rearing.
Completing a course on queen artificial insemination.
Acquiring private pesticide applicator’s license.
Documenting legally-licensed honey processing facility.
Participating in a beekeeping research or extension project at an approved institution.
Acquiring other certified bee-related training as approved by Review Board.
Serving two or more years as officer of regional, national or international bee organization (need not be consecutive nor in the same organization).