A day in the life!

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Had a great day off yesterday. Laid in bed all afternoon watching movies while the rain came down. Now I'm off to the shop to see if the port has opened. Doesn't sound anywhere near as windy out there. Taking out a group of fun divers ay 8 am, so hear's hoping for the weather to cooperate.
Well, it's been a while since I posted any updates, it's just been so busy. : ) I've been dining every morning with a group from Minnesota, and they have been a lot of fun. We saw everything the wanted to see except eagle rays. Well, yesterday was their last day of diving, so we headed up north tho look for the Rays. You pay your money and you take your chances............... we saw two at the beginning, then a group of 7 at the big cut in the wall. They were awesome!!!!

Got back to the shop and started a search and recovery course for a couple of guys. I think it's going to be a fun course. I have always enjoyed teaching the navigation course, and this is along the same lines. It can be a tough one, but I think it's going well.

Then I went in to finish up a night diver course I have been teaching. Ahh.... done. That means that this evening (for the first day in several) I should be home before 8 pm. Thanks to my lovely wife for dinner etc on all those days. I'm sure that on those days she must feel like a scuba widow.

Off to work now, a new group to take out this morning, then finish up the search and recovery course this afternoon. It's going to get very busy for a while. : )
A nice set of dives yesterday at Delilah and Paradise. Turtles, pike blennies, etc. Then back to the shop to finish up the search and recovery course. For the last dive I put 200 pesos in a small Pelican case and his it amongst some rocks. I told them that if they could find it we could buy beer with the cash. They pulled out their best effort and had the box back in 20 minutes. Damn, I should have hidden it better. Oh well, I got to drink some beers : )

Just got back from taking a group out for a 2 tank trip to Palancar Gardens and Paradise. Nice trip and nice folks. Now just gobbling up some comida, then going out from shore to work on a DMT's demonstration quality skills.
Crazy busy at the shop these days. Taking trips out most days, as we have more divers than DMs to take them. Also, training!!! Discover scuba classes, a night course, a nitrox course, and that's all just today. Tomorrow, who knows!!! I guess we could call this high season now.

Gotta run, students are waiting...................
Today was just one of those days........ First I got stood up by my students this morning. For anyone who thinks we are on salary, we are not. If you book time with an instructor then don't show up, he will have turned down other work for that time, and is now not going to get paid anything because you are not a person who can be taken at their word. Come on carma!

Next, I had to make the most uncomfortable phone call to a student that I have ever had to make. I received a student last month who was a referral. He had done his pool and classroom portions back in his hometown of Edmonton, Alberta. He brought his PADI referral form filled out by his instructor, and it was all in good order. The instructor had put his PADI number on the form, and filled in all the normal information. We did the required dives and signed him off. I issued him a temporary card and sent him on his way, a happy customer. The problem is, that by chance I heard about an "instructor" in Edmonton who is issuing PADI referrals, even though he is not a PADI instructor. I checked my records, and sure enough it's the same guy. I phoned PADI, and as it turns out, he hasn't been a PADI instructor since 1985!!!! I will never make that mistake again. I will always check to make sure the referring instructor isn't a lying douche bag. A black mark is now on my permanent record for issuing a certification to someone who has not completed the PADI course, and the student will apparently have his certification stripped from him. I felt that I had to call and tell him what has happened before he receives official word from PADI. Neat!

I am currently making arrangements to get his certification completed at no charge to him. Today sucked!!!
Sorry to read that, that is so lame.
Hope you will post the name of said "instructor" in the Canadian forum, so prospective students can be warned.
Hope you have a much better day tomorrow and thank you for this blog, it's a treat to read.
Who is the dude in Edmonton Matthew? Which shop or is he on his own?
Go home and beat the drums....therapy!
what a douchenozzle...........
it's been about a week since I have written anything. Any time I am not posting you can assume that I am happy and busy, too busy to find time to post. It has been nuts, YAY!!!! I have been at the shop and in the water from about 7:30 am until 7:30 pm every day. Night dives almost every night, and when there were no night dives, there have been evening Nitrox classes. Ever spare minute has been spent working with my current divemaster student. Nice!

I just got back from two nice dives at Santa Rosa and Tunich, and have a new Advanced Open Water class starting in a few minutes. I would say it's high season now, gotta run : )

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