85m air dive

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I would like to see your balanced rig for a 30 minute 300' dive in the Great Lakes.

Here is your picture it's the six tanks to the left of the center doubles.


Nice bumper stickers! You dive nitrox at 300' ? :wink:
How do I balance my rig with cave filled 104's and a couple of stages? That's around 430 cu ft of gas and will weigh around 32 lbs

You're the one who said you didn't need redundant buoyancy because wing failure was highly unlikely and besides you can swim twin AL80s up from 60 feet
Kev the wall goes down over 90m in places, so there's coral all the way down, schools of fish etc. The currents can be pretty wild as you said, especially on the ebb with a full moon - but as per our plan the day we were there conditions were almost perfect

We've seen some pretty cool stuff on Joshua's Wall there at 70-75m: eagle rays, a thresher shark, a banded sea snake that came down with us from the surface - as well as the big schools of jacks and chevron barracuda that are always there
Wonderful! I'll go check out Joshua's Wall over Xmas/New Year's Holiday. . .

The deepest I've considered using air (warm calm tropical waters, good visibility, but potential for ripping currents) was 70m in Truk Lagoon, a non-penetration dive on the Katsuragisan Maru, when helium there was way too expensive at $0.14 per litre (!). Unfortunately I got bent on the San Francisco Maru a few days earlier. . .:depressed: (Maybe it was Providence working to deliver me from greater calamity by not diving on the Katsuragisan Maru). I will be going back there to "celebrate" the near two year anniversary of that incident next month Sept, with the proper deco pre-plan & profile execution of course. . .:)

Be careful my Friend! Wishing Good Diving Karma to You!:wink:
[Learn from my mistake which was not adhering to the old axiom: Plan your dive --Dive your plan. . .]
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Thanks Kev

Josh's Wall is a kewl site, but make sure you go with someone who knows where it is! It doesn't start until ~70m so it's easy to miss it if you get the drop wrong. If you don't see it look for the Jacks and follow them

Secret Reef is another good site, @ 64m, but same thing applies - especially when the current is running
Here is your picture it's the six tanks to the left of the center doubles.


You use Nitrox backgas at 300 feet. Nice!!! That is not nearly enough gas for 30min bottom @ 300feet. Do you breath water? I see deco gas for 120, 70 and 20 feet. Looks more like a setup for 150 feet @30min BT.
You use Nitrox backgas at 300 feet. Nice!!! That is not nearly enough gas for 30min bottom @ 300feet. Do you breath water? I see deco gas for 120, 70 and 20 feet. Looks more like a setup for 150 feet @30min BT.

Why would anyone take a 120 deco gas on a 150 foot dive?

Do you have any deco training? I'm starting to wonder.

Edit: I just ran the numbers on V planner. That is enough gas for a full 30 minutes at 300 feet. (SAC 0.6, 3600 psi in the 104s) No room for error/contingencies though so I wouldn't dive it.
You use Nitrox backgas at 300 feet. Nice!!! That is not nearly enough gas for 30min bottom @ 300feet. Do you breath water? I see deco gas for 120, 70 and 20 feet. Looks more like a setup for 150 feet @30min BT.

Please elaborate on why this looks like a setup for 150'. Especially the part about having a 120' bottle. And since this is not nearly enough gas for a 300' dive, how about you give an example of how many bottles you'd have, what the contents are and how you'd make a balanced rig out of them.
You use Nitrox backgas at 300 feet. Nice!!! That is not nearly enough gas for 30min bottom @ 300feet. Do you breath water? I see deco gas for 120, 70 and 20 feet. Looks more like a setup for 150 feet @30min BT.

What? I do 150 for 30 on a single deco gas @ 70' (sometimes will add O2 if it's the last dive of the day). A 120 bottle? Really? That's deeper than my first deep stop for 150.
Why would anyone take a 120 deco gas on a 150 foot dive?

Do you have any deco training? I'm starting to wonder.

Edit: I just ran the numbers on V planner. That is enough gas for a full 30 minutes at 300 feet. (SAC 0.6, 3600 psi in the 104s) No room for error/contingencies though so I wouldn't dive it.

The 120 is most likely travel/bailout/backup gas, but I am sure you know that. What I do know is that it is not for a 300ft 30m BT dive. Talking about training, did you really need software to determine that was way too little gas for the mentioned dive parameters.

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