85m air dive

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Normoxic refers to containing normal levels of [-]air[/-].

Oxygen, even.

Some people call norm+hyperoxic "triox", "helitrox", etc., reserving the term "trimix" for hypoxic mix.

I call it all trimix, but I won't squabble about labels.
Normoxic trimix is still trimix...

No it's not. Normoxic have a MOD of 210ft, with trimix you can drop the O2 below 21, but I am quite sure you know that.
One is a bottom gas (during the working portion of your dive). The others are deco gases.


And if the rest of your 21/40 is a single gas (likely N2) it's most definitely a trimix.

Yes, 1.5 is not wierd. 21/40 is normoxic, not trimix. I also use 50% at 69ft and 100% at 20ft (both 1.6 PPO2).
Ooops. That's what I get for typing too fast. :)

No worries. When a thread gets entertaining it's always a race to be the first to respond :D
No it's not. Normoxic have a MOD of 210ft, with trimix you can drop the O2 below 21, but I am quite sure you know that.

perhaps will help

Trimix (breathing gas)

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Trimix is a breathing gas, consisting of oxygen, helium and nitrogen, and is often used in deep commercial diving and during the deep phase of dives carried out using technical diving techniques.[1][2]
With a mixture of three gases it is possible to create mixes suitable for different depths or purposes by adjusting the proportions of each gas.
Nice bumper stickers! You dive nitrox at 300' ? :wink:

My LDS put them on for me I was pissed! But now its kind of a joke as my Trimix instructor was the sticker nazi and wants nothing but MOD on tanks.

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