85m air dive

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What? I do 150 for 30 on a single deco gas @ 70' (sometimes will add O2 if it's the last dive of the day). A 120 bottle? Really? That's deeper than my first deep stop for 150.

I agree, please see post on 120 (most likely travel, bailout gas)
I agree, please see post on 120 (most likely travel, bailout gas)

What are you talking about?? Travel gas? For a normoxic dive? That doesn't make ANY sense. While a bottom stage might be useful, a 120' deco bottle is silly as a travel gas. As bailout (rich O2 mix at depth) it makes even less sense.
Please elaborate on why this looks like a setup for 150'. Especially the part about having a 120' bottle. And since this is not nearly enough gas for a 300' dive, how about you give an example of how many bottles you'd have, what the contents are and how you'd make a balanced rig out of them.

I don't do 300ft dives, but have blown a few bubbles around 200. Mix:21/40 (normoxic, not trimix), deco on 50% & 100%, 4 deep stops.
I don't do 300ft dives, but have blown a few bubbles around 200.
Then how do you know whether the pictures posted above are appropriate for the dive or not? And how would you balance a rig when you don't know the gas requirements?

Mix:21/40 (normoxic, not trimix), deco on 50% & 100%, 4 deep stops.

Normoxic trimix is still trimix...
Yes, 1.5 is not wierd. 21/40 is normoxic, not trimix. I also use 50% at 69ft and 100% at 20ft (both 1.6 PPO2).
Yes, 1.5 is not wierd. 21/40 is normoxic, not trimix. I also use 50% at 69ft and 100% at 20ft (both 1.6 PPO2).

Normoxic refers to containing normal levels of [-]air[/-] oxygen.

Trimix refers to a a blend of three gasses.

The two are not mutually exclusive. If you have 21/40 that only accounts for 61% of your breathing gas. What is the remaining (third - tri) gas in your mix?

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