120 with pony VS Dual alum 80's

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A 120 is a big tank for someone in a thin wetsuit.. may or may not be too much non-ditchable weight.

A 100 may be preferable... a 100 has about 30% more gas than an Al80.

Personally I love double 80s in a wetsuit, but they're good for two short dives or one longish dive.... a pair of steel 100s would get you a lot more mileage.
I have a 100 coming in, so I hope you're right. It seemed like the thing to do at the time.

And I thought I was arrogant.....nice.
You can say a lot of things about SB, but you can t say there is a shortage of arrogance.

Wow I went to sleep last night and woke up and found this. What happened? I understand that I will need more training. But I am not an idiot, I have taken several classes and I am Nitrox certified and understand the risk of using the wrong mix at depth, if I am carrying a stage bottle that it is not for redundancy and if it has EAN 40 it has a max depth of 53ft and a contingency depth of 63 ft. The depths that I am talking of going to I have already been to, but I only have single alum 80. I don’t think I will get narced so bad I can’t remember not to use that bottle down there. I have had no problems operating a camera at that depth. I wanted to know the pros and cons of going each way? Not for every one to discuss how I am too stupid I am for asking about dive gear.

If I get the steel 120 I am good with what I have now. But I will later have to buy the doubles if I plan to take a tech diving class. But according to everyone here I shouldn’t get doubles tell I take the class. And not to use a pony bottle for any reason. Because I can’t possibly understand the difference between a bail out bottle and a stage bottle with the number of dives I have.

Ok guys, I am more confused than when I asked the question.
Do you know who your future Tec Instructor might be?? If so ask His/Her opinion.

What my mentors suggested to me.......... I set up my doubles and got used to them on easy dives. I got the weighting trim and adjustments all tweeked.

On single tank dives, they told me to sling a 40 cu ft bottle, and practice reg switches at stops on the way back up.

It's good to have a little experience with doubles before your tec class. That way you can concentrate on learning/practicing the skills instead of getting used to new equipment.

Also there are prerequisites for most classes. If there is a tec class you have in mind, start taking the classes that are required prerequisites.

I took the NAUI Technical Diver Course, (Technical Nitrox, Deco Proceedures, and Helitrox combined). It was a great class. I would recomend it to anyone!!

Best of luck,
You have stated that you carry a pony bottle on all dives, above 100' filled with air, below 100' filled with 40%. So from that, I would gather that above 100' you carry the pony for redundancy purposes, and below 100' it is only for deco purposes. So my question is, if you feel a need for redundancy above 100', why do you not want the same redundancy below 100'?
What a great question!
I have been using a 120 this Summer, as a really good friend has two and lets me use one. He got them for cavern diving, as the entry / exit rules require more air than you use. Besides being a good guy, he knows that his diving time is limited to what his buddy (me) uses. That 120 may be no extra time if you want to stick with a diver using an 80. For Florida recreational diving, like at Pompano Beach, the 120 has excess capacity. That computer will say "time to go" well before I get down below 1000 psi. Unless you are a lone diver, your choice of air capacity may be influenced by the bottom time of others.
I have taken several classes and I am Nitrox certified and understand the risk of using the wrong mix at depth, if I am carrying a stage bottle that it is not for redundancy and if it has EAN 40 it has a max depth of 53ft and a contingency depth of 63 ft.

While I don't use a bailout bottle, I don't believe anyone in this thread has said you lack the ability to use one - as a bailout with a MOD equal to or deeper than your back gas.

Staged deco is just about the most dangerous thing you can do in the water. Many divers, with thousands of dives die doing this.

If you feel AOW, Deep and Nitrox prepare you for this no one can stop you.
The depths that I am talking of going to I have already been to, but I only have single alum 80. I don’t think I will get narced so bad I can’t remember not to use that bottle down there. I have had no problems operating a camera at that depth. I wanted to know the pros and cons of going each way?

Far be it for me to tell you how to dive but I would want to KNOW I wont use the 40% by mistake,rather than just THINK I wont. It is a mistake you would probably only get to make once.

How do you plan on marking the 40% bottle? Going to use a MOD label or just a NITROX banner?
But according to everyone here I shouldn’t get doubles tell I take the class.
You did not hear that from me.

I believe you are _far_ better off using double 80s at recreational depths and staying away from sling bottles for the time being.

The difference between EAN 32 and EAN 40 at a safety stop is too small for the trouble anyway.
Staged Picture yourself at 130 feet, narked, with a 40% bottle and a 21-26% bailout. What kind of procedure are you going to use to ENSURE that you don't go to the wrong gas? The wrong gas that can KILL you? This is dangerous stuff your toying with.

Gas kills and what your contemplating is a far cry from carrying around a bailout pony bottle.
I am not, REPEAT NOT recommending the following to the orginal poster. I do not believe he has the experience to do it. But if JimC were asking me that question, my answer would be -- find some flavored mouthpieces. However narced you are, your tongue can tell the difference between plain rubber and minty one.

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