120 with pony VS Dual alum 80's

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** SPEW!!! ** LOL :D

rubber = air

mint = EAN50

licorice = O2

watermelon = 18/45

cherry = 30/30

Is this correct? What if they're out of mint, can I substitute lemon-lime for the 70' stop?
As a quick aside, would it make sense to put a DIFFERENT mouthpiece on your deco/stage reg? Say maybe a Seacure? This would be fairly definitive even in a blackout situation. Of course "turn on on gasthe switch and try to breathe" method seems pretty failproof too as long as you ensure the bottles are off at the beginning of the dive.
No. Because one day you will be in a hurry and you will put the wrong regs on (or a reg doesn't work and you borrow one). Don't make the procedure rely on stuff that can be moved, placed wrong etc etc.
Yea, good point. I'll just stick to the tried and true. One day, when I get there!
licorice = O2
I thought it was supposed to be Almonds.
Guys, you need to coke alert this stuff.


Punching out. To much.
I am not, REPEAT NOT recommending the following to the orginal poster. I do not believe he has the experience to do it. But if JimC were asking me that question, my answer would be -- find some flavored mouthpieces. However narced you are, your tongue can tell the difference between plain rubber and minty one.

That has to be the funniest piece of dumbass advice I've seen in a long time. Thanks for the belly laugh.
I haven't tried the flavored idea (and don't think I shall). However, in addition to marking my mouthpieces so somebody else can recognise them I put small zip ties on the hose next to the mouthpiece. Even totally blacked out I know; No bumps = back gas, 1 bump = 32, 2 bumps = 50 etc. If you're wearing huge thick gloves you may need pretty big zip ties! It's not the only thing I rely on but I find it a big help.
I haven't tried the flavored idea (and don't think I shall). However, in addition to marking my mouthpieces so somebody else can recognise them I put small zip ties on the hose next to the mouthpiece. Even totally blacked out I know; No bumps = back gas, 1 bump = 32, 2 bumps = 50 etc. If you're wearing huge thick gloves you may need pretty big zip ties! It's not the only thing I rely on but I find it a big help.

That works great, until one of your deco regs craps out and you have to use another one or one of them falls off during the dive.

Lost reg @ 150 feet, grope around, no bumps, must be the back gas...

You guys are killen me.. literaly. :)
You guys are killen me.. literaly. :)
First you, then themselves :wink:
As a quick aside, would it make sense to put a DIFFERENT mouthpiece on your deco/stage reg? Say maybe a Seacure? This would be fairly definitive even in a blackout situation. Of course "turn on on gasthe switch and try to breathe" method seems pretty failproof too as long as you ensure the bottles are off at the beginning of the dive.
If I thought that switching gasses in blackout conditions was something I would have to do, I would use raised numbers for the MOD marking on the cylinder.

Maybe the cavers have come up with something for this.

My technique is to not do dives that would require it.

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