Atomic Aquatics to Launch a new product (Regulator) on June 3rd....

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Reminiscent of Hi-Fi top end loudspeakers where the $500 banana plug sounds so much better than the $3 banana plug.

Q: "What’s the difference between the $500 regulator and the $2,500 regulator?"

A: "$2,000"

They both meet the EN250 and the expensive one cannot be used with 100% oxygen because it's made from unobtainium
What is clear is that in Atomic they are not stupid. 1. Do you have a lot of reservations for a product that is not yet on the market and that, with its corresponding matching octopus, I suppose will be around €3,000? 2. We have 6 advertising pages from the 5 continents. 3. I am a simple commoner, I am staying with my humble mk10+/156 NO GRAIL and I am leaving because I have to invade Gibraltar.
I think that's a bit harsh.
But fair
For me it's about connection and a genuine interest in all things scuba.
What should interest people is genuine innovation. Discussions should be about design features that result in measurable improvements, not wishful thinking because of a particular brand.
Will I be paying $2000 plus on regulator? Most likely not, that's not my playing field. I can buy a whole heap of G250s for that. Am I interested in this "new" regs design? Absolutely. YMMV.
Let's first see the merits of the design before we get all of excited, shall we?

Think of when hypercars are announced. Do they not offer specs? No one just says "hey our car is better than all the others." That'd be silly.
'm into headphones too and they along with regs have way surpassed stupid prices. I'd not drop $6000 on a pair but I'm still interested in them.

I most certainly would not buy anything just for w.nk value.
Reminiscent of Hi-Fi top end loudspeakers where the $500 banana plug sounds so much better than the $3 banana plug.

Q: "What’s the difference between the $500 regulator and the $2,500 regulator?"

A: "$2,000"

They both meet the EN250 and the expensive one cannot be used with 100% oxygen because it's made from unobtainium
That reminds me when I was in a store like Office Depot where the person in line in front of me was buying a printer without a USB cable. The shop manager tried to steer the unsuspecting person to gold plated and much more expensive USB cables claiming they were better.

I interjected that the data transmission was performed via differential signaling and that the gold would have no benefit. They both of course gave me a deer in headlights look. I explained that I worked for the team that define USB compliance for the USB-IF. The customer thanked me for saving them $15.

I think we have a lot of unjustified upselling in the scuba industry as well.
I don't disagree with what you're saying.

My reference was there's nothing wrong with being interested or excited, it's not hurting anyone.

It might be a great reg, it might not. I don't really care but it still interests me.

I think we are coming at it from two different perspectives.
It’s cool even if pricy, some will totally freak over the price (which is crazy) but that doesn’t take away from the design and the benefits of the design, even if you don’t understand it.
Don’t really care about the so called unprecedented performance…are the pre orders from individuals or shops? It’s a ridiculous price point for a reg set. Could I afford one? Yea sure..but why TF would I want it? It better breath for me at that price point.

You don't see a value for it but others do and that's OK. No need to get upset about it or attack others that do value the product. Some folks see value to buying a Maserati and are willing to pay loads of money for it but others don't. I saw a person driving a Maserati when I was at a gas station two days ago and he looked happy with it. I didn't see a value for me to buy one or even fantasize about buying it but I didn't attack or ridicule him in anyway or felt that I had to mock him. More power to him. Several months ago a Bentley was ahead of me at a traffic light, it was very nice. I would like to drive it and can see me owning one but I can't afford it and don't see the need for it, I prefer a sturdy and capable high capacity off-road truck myself.

The intensity and persistence of unnecessary and uncalled for vulgarities and insults hurled around in this thread by some is shocking however. You don't like something that others do and admire, just skip it and let others enjoy their moment. No need to put them down or insult them calling them names.
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No le ves un valor, pero otros sí, y eso está bien. No hay necesidad de enojarse por eso o atacar a otros que valoran el producto. Algunas personas ven valor en comprar un Maserati y están dispuestas a pagar mucho dinero por él, pero otras no. Vi a una persona conduciendo un Maserati cuando estaba en una gasolinera hace dos días y se veía feliz con él. No vi el valor de comprar uno o incluso fantasear con comprarlo, pero no lo ataqué ni lo ridiculicé de ninguna manera ni sentí que tenía que burlarme de él. Más poder para él. Hace varios meses un Bentley se me adelantó en un semáforo, era muy bonito. Me gustaría conducirlo y me imagino teniendo uno, pero no puedo pagarlo y no veo la necesidad de hacerlo. Prefiero un camión todoterreno resistente y capaz de alta capacidad.

Sin embargo, la intensidad y la persistencia de las vulgaridades e insultos innecesarios e injustificados que algunos lanzan en este hilo son impactantes. No te gusta algo que otros hacen y admiran, simplemente sáltatelo y deja que los demás disfruten de su momento. No hay necesidad de menospreciarlos o insultarlos llamándolos nombres.
sanity within exaltation
The problem is not that I don't want to buy it, it's my checking account that refuses. But assuming I had the Brat Pitt card, I wouldn't buy one, I'd buy two. One thing is what we want and another what we can. If we go into how unfair life is and unjust economic imbalances, we wouldn't have enough life to discuss it. I think the honest question is IF I WERE RICH WOULD I BUY IT?
You don't see a value for it but others do and that's OK. No need to get upset about it or attack others that do value the product. Some folks see value to buying a Maserati and are willing to pay loads of money for it but others don't. I saw a person driving a Maserati when I was at a gas station two days ago and he looked happy with it. I didn't see a value for me to buy one or even fantasize about buying it but I didn't attack or ridicule him in anyway or felt that I had to mock him. More power to him. Several months ago a Bentley was ahead of me at a traffic light, it was very nice. I would like to drive it and can see me owning one but I can't afford it and don't see the need for it, I prefer a sturdy and capable high capacity off-road truck myself.

The intensity and persistence of unnecessary and uncalled for vulgarities and insults hurled around in this thread by some is shocking however. You don't like something that others do and admire, just skip it and let others enjoy their moment. No need to put them down or insult them calling them names.
I think the car comparison is valid. Some people will want new regulator just because it is new, like iPhone crazies, regardless of features. Some will want it because of “status” and to show they can afford it.
As many new models it is likely to have an improved design. Hopefully, it will have an improved performance. How much better is it going to be over flagship SP or current atomic models? Well it is to be seen.
as @buddhasummer said, I am not necessarily interested in buying one, but I am interested in learning about new product and excited about new kid on a block.

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