Your most dramatic dive moment.

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1) My first night dive, in the Med off Mallorca. First the amazing sight of other buddypairs in the water, like flying saucers in the blue with searchlights underneath. Then slowly surfacing through a layer of bioluminescence, emerging under a starfilled sky, the single light of the boat some way off, the lights of the coast in the far distance, and the milky way directly overhead. It still brings tears to my eyes to remember that one.

2) Another night dive, on St. Johns in the Red Sea. These reefs are riddled with caves, and as I peer into one opening I spot movement and go after it. The next moment I swim into a huge bumphead parrotfish, possibly one of the ugliest fish on the planet. I get some worthless video footage as he doesn't like my lamp, and than it hits me: My buddy is no longer there, and I've allowed the dive to become a solo-night-cave dive. :11: That certainly got my heart rate up a bit.

Was lobstering last year in FL. One bug my buddy caught gauged too small. When he released it, the thing zoomed down toward the reef (and me), zipped around my side, and straight into my lobster locker!

A self-imposed slam dunk through the one-way door. The hardest I've ever laughed under the water.

Scariest/most awesome moment ... same thing ...

Years ago, I was diving the Cove ... again ... (San Diego divers know what I mean ... let's dive the Cove ... again !!) We were only in about 30 or 35 ft of water, I was looking under a rock at a lobster when I felt a huge THUD on the back of my tank, almost pushing my face into the rock I was looking under. At first, I thought that was my buddy's idea of a bad joke. I turned over my right shoulder to see an eye the almost the size of my head looking at me.

FYI - Screams can be heard underwater.

She was a 15 ft. baby/young humpback. She was spotted there many times by divers and swimmers that summer. It still gives me chills to think about it!! She hung with my buddy and I, for about 8 or 9 minutes before she headed out. It's a moment, or eight moments, of my life, I wish I could describe. Being in the water, so close to some thing so large, it's some thing I'll never forget.
Turneffe Island Lodge. I got two of the fishermen to take me out at about 5:30 am for a solo dive. At dawn, there's a cold water upswell on the Elbow, and I spent about an hour in a buddha float watching 10 or so blacktips having kingfish for breakfast, with various eagle rays and turtles passing by.

Was lobstering last year in FL. One bug my buddy caught gauged too small. When he released it, the thing zoomed down toward the reef (and me), zipped around my side, and straight into my lobster locker!

Try telling that one to Fish & Game. "Really, *I* didn't put him in there, he did it by himself!"
Scariest/most awesome moment ... same thing ...

Years ago, I was diving the Cove ... again ... (San Diego divers know what I mean ... let's dive the Cove ... again !!) We were only in about 30 or 35 ft of water, I was looking under a rock at a lobster when I felt a huge THUD on the back of my tank, almost pushing my face into the rock I was looking under. At first, I thought that was my buddy's idea of a bad joke. I turned over my right shoulder to see an eye the almost the size of my head looking at me.

FYI - Screams can be heard underwater.

She was a 15 ft. baby/young humpback. She was spotted there many times by divers and swimmers that summer. It still gives me chills to think about it!! She hung with my buddy and I, for about 8 or 9 minutes before she headed out. It's a moment, or eight moments, of my life, I wish I could describe. Being in the water, so close to some thing so large, it's some thing I'll never forget.

Don't your have to ask yourself if the bump was because or romantic interest, curiosity,or belligerence motivating that response
Best moment diving ever was two years ago on a shore dive at La Jolla Canyon (San Deigo) at about 95', two grey whales circled us (40 ft long) about 15' from us. The last thing you would ever expect to see on a shore dive is a couple of grey whales! I'll remember it forever!
About a week ago, did a night dive at Tunnels in Kauai. This is where that sweet surfer girl had her arm removed by a Tiger Shark, remember? It was in my mind. I was trying to keep it in the back, in perspective, not FREAK OUT. So, 10 minutes into the dive, we are in a tunnel/ lava tube and out of the 10 ft. vis comes a 6 ft. white tip to check us out. CLOSE. He probably thought we had a bag of fish. It was 2 feet from us. In the tunnel with us. The guide was backpeddaling into me. The shark was under me. YIKES. I clicked my heels together and though, "there's no place like home" But still, the shark was there. Thrashing a bit. Then he left. But he returned 3 more times to adjacent tunnels that we were in! I felt like I starred in a horror movie, I was looking for sharks around every corner after that.
Ok, I am taking a cleansing breath now. Just relived it. It's going to be ok....
Coconut Girl
Hmmm, "most dramatic?"


1977 - Key West, FL. I'm 14 years old, diving an 80' reef off Key West with Reef Raiders. I reach "safe" pressure and signal my "buddy" (an older guy they paired me with on the boat) that I need to surface. He looks at me and signals for me to go up alone, he was planning on staying a little longer (remember, it's 1977). I look up, see the boat, and start swimming for the surface. At about 40 FT, the boat gets silhouetted by the sun and the water turns crystal blue. At the same time a spotted Eagle Ray glides out of nowhere and swims right in front of me. The ray was probably 8' across and 10' long, really BIG, and just awed me. The sun reflected off of him, the bubbles from my buddy below were floating upward like shimmering diamonds and just for a few seconds, everything was perfect. Unfortunately, I never got to see an Eagle Ray again, but for the moment it was way cool!


1987 - Ginnie Springs, FL. Two friends and I had just finished the cave certification course with Mark and LeMar a few months earlier. We did an openwater cert trip to Ginnie with 10 students and decided to dive the eye afterward. Over several days we made our first "solo" dives (dives without a cave instructor present) and had started to get comfortable with technique. We were using double 80s and reaching "turn" pressure just past the "lips" (like I said, we were newbies). On one of the last dives, we made it to the "cornflakes" before turning. When we came back through the keyhole, I checked my pressure, turned to look for one of my buddies and suddenly became VERY disoriented. For some reason, I completely lost my sense of direction and even though I was looking at a marker on the permanent line showing the way OUT, I swore to God someone had reversed it and that I was swimming back IN. I tried to communicate this to my buddies via slate who both looked at me like I was crazy. Fortunately, I turned over lead to one of them and in a few yards we cleared the lips and I saw the gallery. To this date, that was the weirdest and scariest experience I’ve ever had underwater.


1990 - West Palm Beach, FL. One of the same two friends and I were drift diving off West Palm Beach (the only time I ever tried it) on a stop on the way back from the Keys. This guy is an ex Army Medic, Special Forces, etc., top rate dive buddy. We hit the water, descend to about 30 FT and drift along with the current looking at the bottom about 15 FT below. I'm looking to my left when I suddenly see a Green Moray Eel clear the reef and start swimming up to us. This dude was all of 5FT long and quite thick. Now this gave me pause because it's VERY unusual behavior for an eel and I actually started to get worried for a second. Then I said, wait a second Drew, this guy's a friendly and looking for a handout (I had a bag of hot dogs for this purpose, but I was thinking FISH, not eels!). So, I minimized my movement and watched as he approached, stopping just to my left. Now I was thinking my buddy saw this too, but when I looked to my right, he was looking in the other direction. When I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, the Moray became impatient and suddenly swam right at him, ending up less than 1 FT from his face. I'd never heard anyone scream underwater before until that day and he screamed LOUD. He then did something that ASSTONISHED me. He grabbed ME by the harness and PUSHED me between him and the eel. The poor eel got scared and proceeded to wind himself up in my gear and BCD to hide. He ended up with his head next to mine, trying to hide from my buddy. I'm looking at the eel, he's looking at me and we're both looking at my buddy like he's CRAZY. Fortunately, this was a VERY friendly eel and I proceeded to coax him out with hotdogs, for which he was very grateful. The Divemaster reached us a few seconds later to make certain we were OK, he had seen the entire incident and couldn't believe it. Needless to say, I gave my "BUDDY" a rashing when we got back on the boat...

Hope ya'll enjoyed...

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