Question Pre-dive Setting my Compass

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On one occasion on a night wreck dive in a 120 feet of sea water (large naval destroyer), I ascended up the side of a large funnel to its top at about 30 ft depth. I then wanted to make my way from the top of the funnel to the bridge which was also at about 30 ft depth for the final ascent to the surface. I doing this, I had to cross a large void of dark water between the funnel and the bridge. Out came my trusty compass. Lesson, always carry a compass.
This thread has reawakened memories of wreck diving in low visibility, leaving the wreck a few metres, turning around to swim back and seeing nothing!

I don't use a compass if staying on the superstructure of a wreck, as others have said, just the wreck itself as guidance, making a note of which shot line I went down. It's not the end of the world if you come up the wrong one, but it's embarrassing! If leaving the main body of a wreck in low visibility for whatever reason, I would lay a line now.

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