Young divers VS Old divers

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Not an opinion, again, I refer you to a dictionary where you will want to look up the following words for your edification:



Now THAT is really funny...LOOOOL....

I really appreciate all of your input, keep it coming!

This is a topic we need to discuss, it seems like a lot of divers are getting upset for different reasons, but I think this has to be addressed sooner or later.

Local dive shops need to exist, and we fully support LDS's on our website with a Global Dive Shop listing, for dive shops to post their shops for free.

But there are some people that own dive shops that just want to keep to themselves and provide diving services and tank fills to a couple divers per month. They refuse to get a computer and learn how to use it. When a company comes along and offers free promotion, they decline it. I have seen 2 dive shops in the past couple months go out of business because of this, and this isn't only myself who has seen this, but a few other dive publications who have also been concentrating on this topic.

I personally think this is a result of the "old" age meeting with the new "young" age.

What do you think?

So your real concern is that the older shops won't buy advertising on your website? I must have missed the announcement! I didn't know you had a website.

I'll admit that when I want a Miflex hose, I enter the term in Google and look for shops with the lowest price. But my LDS doesn't sell Miflex hoses so I'm going to have to buy it online anyway.

There is certainly no 'age' issue among divers!

There are a number of shops that have embraced the Internet. They have online sales in addition to their bricks and mortar operations. There are a ton of sellers on eBay. Somebody has gotten the message.

I don't know where it will shake out for LDS's. Things are going to be tough for the next couple of years and I suspect a number of shops will close. I hope that this has the effect of changing the pricing strategy of ScubaPro, AquaLung and Oceanic. We'll see.

Every bit of gear I need, I can buy on the Internet. There might be a problem with service but that is available through some online shops already. In fact, there are a couple that specialize in regulator overhaul.

As to whether any individual shop lives or dies? Who cares? If there is a market, it will be served. If not, we better plan on buying compressors and learning partial pressure blending.

As to whether any individual shop lives or dies? Who cares? If there is a market, it will be served. If not, we better plan on buying compressors and learning partial pressure blending.
Well, I care - I like to go in look around, chit-chat, etc. Sometimes I even buy something :)

As for compressors - you can get argon fills from a welding shop (well, I can anyway). I bet they could fill compressed air too - I dunno how "clean" it would be. But yeah, I can see Nitrox being a problem though.
What was the purpose of this thread? Was it to make some important points or to be divisive? I'm a 55 year old gomer. I was certified in 1970 at age 16, bought my first equipment in 1972 (very good Scubapro stuff, still use my MK5/R109 for my pony). I've pursued additional training, breathe nitrox, and bought modern equipment including computers. I still frequent several LDSs but also have many internet stores included with my favorites and have supported several. Everything changes, including diving. What does age have to do with it? I may be 55 but I'm as young as any of you.

Good diving, Craig
Thing aren't that different now then they were 30 years ago. The only thing that has changed is the method of distribution. This is a scan of a mail order company ad in the February 1979 issue of Skin Diver magazine. Substitute Leisure pro for Skin Diver mag and bingo you have today.


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Sorry again, went back and looked at the forum this thread is in, I admit, this is flaming. Yes, indeed, waterboarding is torture. I don't know what came over me.

Apologetically, good diving, Craig
I apologize to all my ScubaBoard colleagues, there's one very important factor that I left out of my prior post. Divezero appears to be an incredible, self-serving a**h***. Sorry for my omission.

Good diving, Craig
With maturity comes the ability to pretend to have manners ... when you want, or need to.:D
But there are some people that own dive shops that just want to keep to themselves and provide diving services and tank fills to a couple divers per month. They refuse to get a computer and learn how to use it. When a company comes along and offers free promotion, they decline it. I have seen 2 dive shops in the past couple months go out of business because of this, and this isn't only myself who has seen this, but a few other dive publications who have also been concentrating on this topic.
Oh come on man. This thread is even lamer than most of my threads.

Look some people believe crazy stuff. It doesn't mean that there is some raging war about it. Some people believe the alignments of the planets and stars rule their lives and destinies, and have some deep meaning. Does this mean that there is some raging war among astronomers who either "get it" or don't? No! You can find nutcases and old fogies of all walks of life, in all kinds of different areas. Some people will never change - period, end of story. Get over it! It's not an indication of some deep crisis that needs to be solved - or even addressed.
As I read most of the the post, I could not help but wonder what technology the dive industry will come up with in 30 years, and wonder what the 24yr old that will now be 54 will think of the changes. The post a also made me remembered the first time I took a breath underwater some 36 years ago.... and thought WOW! how cool is this!, dose everyone remember there first breath? No matter how old you are now I bet our excitement was equal that first time, that's why we became certified isn't it? Anyway that's all I have to say, so happy diving everyone young and old and be safe.

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