You know you've been diving too much when....

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When your dive buddy is your co-worker and you talk in the office using hand signals

Dive Safe,

"Men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better
off than those who try to do nothing and succeed." -- Lloyd James
- find yourself using hand signals when talking on the phone
- while driving, someone slows down to let you change lanes and you flash him the OK signal
- put on a ski mask and then attempt a valsalva maneuver
- name your kids "Deco" and "Stroke"
- when going up an elevator, stop two floors before your destination for three minutes

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
................when that xtra room in your basement is now full of dive gear and your garage is starting to look like a dive shop.

................when you can't see what color your dive bag is because it's full of patches from all the places you've been diving.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,when you take your dive decals and cover over all the rust spots on your truck :D

....When you turn your monitor away from people before turning on your computer.

....When you make sure that you rucksack is secure on the straps before wearing it.
..refers to buying gear online and taking it into your LDS.
bermudaskink once bubbled...

9) When someone orders pizza you look for an O2 kit (some might not get that one....maybe that should be under ... you know you have been a PADI instructor too long when.... :lol: )

Maybe that's because I'm not PADI...? can't watch a movie without assessing the depth, wind and chop conditions for a dive buy nautical charts instead of normal road maps, 'cause the charts have the wrecks marked on them

...getting dressed in the morning has you absently wondering how much more weight you'll need for your belt to offset the buoyancy of the clothing are keenly aware of whether your footwear and accessories are negatively or positively buoyant've reconfigured your wife's (or husband's) camping gear to eliminate all danglies

...ALL of your ID photos show you in a nice head of "scuba hair" have more sand in the back of your scubamobile than most public beaches

...your neighbors have never seen anything other than neoprene on your clothesline
You know you've been diving too long when...

...when you start referring to your mother-in-law as "sharkbait" start rating business meetings as a 1 or 2 tank dive side with the dentist in "Finding Nemo"

... you go to the Department of Motor Vehicles on your birthday and ask to update you Drivers Certification License. walk into your teenagers room and start over-breathing and while looking around for "predators"..
When you try doing the Fin Pivot when making love... :)

Or a less rated one...

When your sunglasses or eyeglasses Fog, you place your hands on top of your glasses, look up and breathe out of your nose...

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