I'm not a tech diver, but I now have confirmation I'm a pompous wanker
. I will admit to often ending rec dives by hovering not only at the "safety stop", but also at 10 ft while waiting for others to get back on the boat. It's very relaxing and I'd MUCH rather hang out at 5-10 ft rather than being tossed around on the surface. Partly because after a dive when my NDL gets <10min at depth I figure more shallow out-gassing is just good for my (older) body, and partly because I like the idea of practicing control of my trim and buoyancy. Although sometimes looking back at the dive log to see my depth profile can give a jolt of reality.
Ok, ok, I also like to feel superior to all the people hanging vertically on the lines for their safety stops while I calmly hover (pompous wanker indeed.)

Ok, ok, I also like to feel superior to all the people hanging vertically on the lines for their safety stops while I calmly hover (pompous wanker indeed.)