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Can someone point me to a funny post in this thread???

Well, its certainly not post #112.
-when your asian and you hate shark fin soup.

-when you thought the maple leaf in the middle of an asphalt parking lot was a star fish.
DMMIKE you beat me to it. Just did this today. Work is sending me to Eindhoven the Netherlands and first thing I thought of was....
1] wonder if there is any good diving there
2] how am I going to schedual work so that I can dive while I'm there

Got so wrapped up in bablefishing dutch websites that I totally forgot to book my flight and reservations, have to do it tommorow for a sunday flight.

I'm actually kind of excited about diving in some canals.
Help I'm sick :chicken:

Hey DNK,
Thats pretty funny. Hope you got a flight. I had to go to upper NY state and I was trying to figure out how to get the gear in the company car, what does housekeeping do when they find a room full of wet dive gear, and would they let me dive inplace golf.
you say "take some time to decompress" and are not refering to any diving action or incident but instead a stressful thing personally or professionally that you take a break from.
When you're up posting now, and you're just waking up to go dive. (It's 2:30 AM here and I'm gearing up to meet at the LDS by 4)
DMMIKE you beat me to it. Just did this today. Work is sending me to Eindhoven the Netherlands and first thing I thought of was....
1] wonder if there is any good diving there
2] how am I going to schedual work so that I can dive while I'm there

Got so wrapped up in bablefishing dutch websites that I totally forgot to book my flight and reservations, have to do it tommorow for a sunday flight.

I'm actually kind of excited about diving in some canals.
Help I'm sick :chicken:
Well, I don't think you'll be diving in canals, but then I'm not 100% sure what you mean by canals. The last thing I heard about recreational divers in a canal in the Netherlands was for some large organized clean-up action authorized (and participated) by the mayor.

I don't know about diving in Eindhoven, but 90% of diving done in the Netherlands is in the Grevelingen and in the Oosterschelde, in Zeeland, I think that is about 100-150km from Eindhoven, depending on where you want to go.

Of course you're probably already on your flight while I'm typing this...
Whenever you see a ship of some sort on the surface and you think "Man, that'd be a great wreck!"

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