Please do not edit my quotes and publish them back as mine as some users may not see the original ones and we gonna have a misguide problem again, all right ?
"A misguide problem"?
I could go on and on here. Post 1 is the quintessential example of a "misguide problem".
Here is what should have happened:
Dear customers,
I would like to apologize for the delay in getting the xDeep computers to you. We know that you really want to get them wet and we know why. This is a great computer that we know you will love.
As you know we have had production issues that have prevented us from deliverying the computers as fast as we wanted. We want to make sure that they meet our and your standards before sending them to you, our valued customer.
Rather than make promises we know we can't keep, we ask you to check our FB page and sign up fpr product updates. If you like our page, we'll send you a $10 coupon towards your purchase.
Thanks for your understanding.
Problem resolved. We understand.
INSTEAD they have chosen to argue, bitch and moan about how we're annoying them, and how we continue to get frustrated by THEIR endless lies and obfuscations. Yup, when the going gets tough, blame the customer!