Good choice Shaxs! The Cobra is air integrated so it takes care of your air pressure.shaxs:Hah, Im a very non-violent huyActually, due to some on going mold issues with my apartment, we are getting a free months rents and my half is $650. So, I have now found a used Cobra with less than 12 dives, the compass attached, and the PC Cable for $400 on ebay. Also comes with a 30 day guarentee for me to test it out. So, I believe I will be buying that one.
Do you use a seperate Air meter with your cobra to see how much air is in the tank, or do you just use the Cobra??
The Cobra calculates your remaining air time from 500 psi up (500 psi = 0 airtime). On your right side is your remaining bottom time. It eliminates 1 hose from your reguator.
It's been a good computer for me! I think you'll like it!