Hi Geoff,Kayak Diver:I'm hoping to get in the water at Leo Carillo on Saturday morning. The forcast is calling for a big NW swell...maybe here on Sunday... ??? Check it out:
Friday the 9th this swell will start to back down, but size is still expected to hover around waist to chest high.
Saturday the 10th is looking to start out small, but a significant NW swell will be bearing down on the coast. This will be hitting NCal on Saturday, and fill in during the evening in SoCal, hitting more on Sunday. As such, Saturday may see some forerunners on Saturday, but the real action kicks into gear on Sunday the 11th.
Sunday the 11th is looking like a significant NW swell day. Models this morning feel that two systems will converge in the next couple of days to make for one heck of a swell maker. The first system is off the coast of Japan right now, and in 48 hours, it should mix with a storm dropping down out of the Bering Sea. This system would hold a high latitude, keeping its adverse conditions far to the north. The swell it would bring however should clock in with 16-18 second periods with size potential around head high to 3-feet overhead around west facing breaks. Of course, given the long-period nature of this swell, there will inevitably be variation in size between west facing breaks depending on the bathymetry of each surf spot, and its corresponding shoaling and refraction properties. Also, we do have another couple of days to see how this one plays out, and well need another 48 hours to tighten up the accuracy curve on this one.
That's the great thing about the camping weekend at Leo!
If he diving is marginal we do more camping stuff and we're there for whenever the diving is good.
I look forward to it being the usual fun time!