Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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What is all the controversy and angst about?

It seems some people will mock statements DIR/GUE writings or people say.

Ive seen "eye rolling" in words.

Heck, This is the ONLY section that has "rules" to follow and a link to the TOS, namely on how to reply in the post!!!!

No body seems to bash "cave" divers (even though they get huffy if you wear your mask backwards!)

No body seems to bash the "solo" divers either

Can somebody explain this to me?

It's a history thing - back in the wild and wooly days of early internet diving there were amazing flame wars on the tech diver list - http://www.aquanaut.com/bin/mlist/aquanaut/techdiver - you can search the archives. You can also watch some early DIR video at http://deepsouthdivers.org/ by clicking on the DIR III video link that may give you some idea of what triggered such strong opposing responses.

These days things are a little more civil, but in the big scheme of things, who cares what someone on the internet thinks of your diving style? Find some good buddies with diving styles that suit you and go diving. Set your own goals and work to achieve them.
That nutshells the current situation. I've been on a boat with clients (dealers) in normal open water gear and have had some "DIR" divers decide to point out everything wrong with our gear.. . . . I showed them my GUE cave 1 card it then became "You know better, yet will dive all that unsafe gear?" . . . .

They are morons and exactly the type that gives DIR divers a bad name.

I am DIR provisional currently, and am training with a "young gun" OW recreational diver that is full of vigor. We train together (as I get ready for my check out dive), and he has switched over to full DIR gear configuration. . . he is GULPING the koolaid.

He has also started to criticize other divers on the subject of safety.

I have gently admonished him, and finally told him to shut up, and stop pissing everybody off.

I am 43, and I attribute my attitude and quiet wisdum to age and experience of getting my booty in a sling. I am so sorry that there are divers out there who are so self rightous. I am doing my part to quash the loudmouths. . . at least in my lil' corner of the world.:mooner:

I am DIR provisional currently, and am training with a "young gun" OW recreational diver that is full of vigor. We train together (as I get ready for my check out dive), and he has switched over to full DIR gear configuration. . . he is GULPING the koolaid.

He has also started to criticize other divers on the subject of safety.

I have gently admonished him, and finally told him to shut up, and stop pissing everybody off.

I am 43, and I attribute my attitude and quiet wisdum to age and experience of getting my booty in a sling. I am so sorry that there are divers out there who are so self rightous. I am doing my part to quash the loudmouths. . . at least in my lil' corner of the world.:mooner:


Just like anything else, people don't want to hear the "my way is the only way" mantra. I think it is important to remember that letting your ego lead in diving is probably not compatible with the DIR philosophy. As a newer diver and a kool-aid "gulper" I remind myself of that on occasion. There is also room in the ocean for a wide variety of diving styles, and as a PADI OW trained diver, I've certainly dived a different way in the past . . . DIR for me is largely about becoming the best diver I can be, and my choice of instructors--GUE or not--largely involves seeking out those people that challenge me to be a better diver.

I think the GUE/DIR controversy is largely an internet-based phenomenon, most, if not all of the DIR-trained divers I've met and actually dive with are quite friendly and willing to help you learn if you ask for that help (although I have heard arguments that this environment may be unique to the Pacific Northwest). They are also good about not giving the unsolicited advice that seems to piss others off. Personally, I headed towards DIR after diving with other DIR types and seeing how they dived. Once I saw that, I knew that I wanted to learn to dive the same way.
Ok, as painful as it is to admit this, I dove with some guys last week that would be considered 'hardcore' GUE/DIR divers and the experience was positive. I had a pretty good time. Most notable for me was the fact that divers were partnered and told where they would be and they were there. I don't mean there 25' away, I mean there in a way that would actually be useful to someone if they needed help.

I am not GUE/DIR and may never be, but I do have to say that so far the experiences that I have had diving with this group of locals has been good.

(Mr. Bailey, you don't count..... I dive with you often and the words Doing it Right haven't come out of your mouth once.) :)
I agree it's mostly attitude of some of the newly trained or DIR wannabe divers and memories of some of the more vocal people from the past. All of the DIR divers I have had the pleasure of diving with are great people. On another thread someone ask about if he/she should consider DIR. I gave him my opinion, including the reasons I don't choose to go full DIR (I do hold a GUE card). None of which was negative about GUE or DIR but the very first responce I got was to tell me I was a troll and violating the board TOSS-not by a mod I might add. There are those who still believe the in your face attitude is what DIR is all about. Those are the ones who cause the dislike for anything DIR, real pitty too as GUE and the DIR training does have a lot of value to add to a well trained diver.
I think ppl bash DIR because 1. DIR has to do wit marketing, and 2. DIR tells you wat to do. 3. DIR things may work for cave/warm water but for cold water not all things makes sence. Although im not DIR and everyone on this board thinks i hate them, which is not true, i do like something from DIR. but something just seem ridculous. like only using SS snaps or not using a double bladder. But aniwais DIR is pretty kool. I might take DIR-F
Tek Adventure Diver:
I think ppl bash DIR because 1. DIR has to do wit marketing, and 2. DIR tells you wat to do. 3. DIR things may work for cave/warm water but for cold water not all things makes sence. Although im not DIR and everyone on this board thinks i hate them, which is not true, i do like something from DIR. but something just seem ridculous. like only using SS snaps or not using a double bladder. But aniwais DIR is pretty kool. I might take DIR-F

Good points,and quite valid. I am not DIR,but as I mentioned prefer an eclectic philosphy,which means I will borrow from what I think is the best and apply it-I think this is a function of my Hogarthian training. I don't want to be stuck in a system that can't be challanged and refined by all,and I want flexibility since my diving demands it. I never condemn anybody who follows DIR or any philosophy,quite simply if I don't agree then we won't dive if I feel that I will be in personal danger.
It's a history thing - back in the wild and wooly days of early internet diving there were amazing flame wars on the tech diver list - http://www.aquanaut.com/bin/mlist/aquanaut/techdiver - you can search the archives.

It's clasic stuff and quite eye-opening. For anyone who has a few hours to kill, try the link and read the old posts on DIR.
I am DIR provisional currently, and am training with a "young gun" OW recreational diver that is full of vigor. We train together (as I get ready for my check out dive), and he has switched over to full DIR gear configuration. . . he is GULPING the koolaid.

He has also started to criticize other divers on the subject of safety.

I have gently admonished him, and finally told him to shut up, and stop pissing everybody off.

I am 43, and I attribute my attitude and quiet wisdum to age and experience of getting my booty in a sling. I am so sorry that there are divers out there who are so self rightous. I am doing my part to quash the loudmouths. . . at least in my lil' corner of the world.:mooner:


I have been fighting it for a couple years now. But every time I get close I meet some one who has put to much mix in his Koolaid. And they completely turn me off. I just find it offending to have a 23 year old punk tell what I am doing wrong when I have three times the dives they do and the only time they dive is in a Quarry to work on thier skills. This site actually has more information than any of the others I read. On some of the other sits GOD FORBID they discuss any of thier knowledge it is a secret. I am strongly considering taking the DIR-F next summer. THe only thing I can not get past is not using my computer on recreational dives.
Don't worry about the switch to a bottom timer... a little practice and it's not a big deal... we have been spoiled by computers (of all sorts)... a little "scuba math" is probably a good thing.

It'll be good to knock the cobwebs off the primary computer :)

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