Unfortunatelly my sources are in french. They can be found
here. So, do not try again to call me a liar .
I read your statistics. .
Firstly, they aren't
my statistics. DAN and SPUMS are both published on the subject. If their stance changed, then further publications would be released. They have not been, because no change was needed.
You said..."
in a lot of countries, most dive docters have asked...." That's blatantly not true. Dive doctors tend to follow the guidelines of DAN, SPUMS and other global or regional bodies. As they share studies etc, most of these agencies concur on issues like this.
I know quite a few diving doctors, in quite a few countries. None have ever expressed concern over the use of CESA.
CESA is practiced up to a depth of 9m. That's supported by the dive medical bodies.
In practical application, it's pure idiocy to suggest that "CESA be removed from large depth". If someone needs to conduct a CESA, then it's their decision to do so. What else are they supposed to do?? Hang around and drown???
You don't seem to comprehend the very simple premise that CESA is only for when
you have no other gas to breathe.
Yes... you can carry a pony cylinder, or even dive doubles. That mitigates much risk from running out of gas (prevention). CESA is for when you have
no gas supply. Don't think, for one second, that a diver cannot lose their gas supply, even with redundancy or spare gas cylinders. There
needs to be a resolution for instances where prevention has failed. CESA and Buoyant Ascents are those two resolutions.
You said..."
a lot of Accidents - some of them leading to deaths - have been observed because of the training of this technique". Again, that's blatantly not true. I provided a study which illustrated a 0.00087% fatality rate when CESA has been conducted. That, my friend, is
not "a lot"....
You said..."
Proper dive techniques make CESA an obsolete and dangerous solution". I'm assuming that's
your statement, not a guideline that your quoting or referencing. You fail to understand that proper dive techniques are for
avoidance of out-of-gas situations. There still needs to be a solution for if/when an out-of-gas solution occurs.
You said..."
There is a 30+ pages discussion that confirms my affirmation on the subjet. Unfortunatelly my sources are in french. They can be found here". That's a discussion group... a forum... just like Scubaboard. It's not an authoritative reference or a 'source'. it's a bunch of divers waffling their views, just like here. As a "scientist", I'd have thought you'd know how to cite an authoritative source or study. That's surprising...