I’ve actually been to a bit over 70’ on a couple of dives, and really did not notice any difference.
First things first... you can't rely on any type of sensory feedback to feel 'risk' at depth.
With the exception of narcosis,
the majority of which is sub-symptomatic anyway... it feels the just same at 190' as it does at 30'.
Hence the massive complacency that exists in people diving much deeper than their training. This doesn't occur in other activities, like climbing or motorcycle racing, where risk (speed, height) is clearly recognized by our land-dwelling instincts...
By sub-symptomatic; I mean that you can be heavily degraded by narcosis without noticing a tangible effect (see
Nitrogen Narcosis - Perceptions of Susceptibility )
I wrote this article last year to help advise on exactly the kind of question you're asking:
Deep Diver: What You Really Need To Learn
But other than faster air consumption, shorter NDL, and possibly some narcosis (I don’t know how I’d be affected having not gone that deep yet, but feel nothing at 60’) why not go to 100’ with the DM?
The deeper you go, the less forgiving your dives become. It's as simple as that.
The concept of requiring further training to venture into deep depth reflects that the
consequences of error become much more significant. What you 'get away with' at 60' is more likely to bite you in the ass at 100'... and more so again at 130'.
Training and experience reduces error.
1. Faster Air Consumption: A loss in situational awareness can much more easily/swiftly result in an out-of-air situation.
2. Deep Depth: If out-of-air, it takes much longer to reach the surface. How confident are you to CESA effectively from 60'? 90'? 100'?
3. Shorter NDL: Is a naive way to describe
accelerate saturation. You absorb more nitrogen into your tissues. More nitrogen equals higher risk of DCS. It means more significant DCS injury in the event of an incorrect ascent. Be scared of DCS... it's not a fairy story.
4. Increased Narcosis: Reduced mental capacity leads to reduced situational awareness, increased risk of making errors, less effective problem solving and crisis management.... more inclination to panic and stress to less severe stressors.
As land-dwelling mammals, our instinctive capacity to identify risks underwater is critically limited. In fact, the only instinctive risk stimulus we can experience is that of air depletion. We are not instinctively or physiologically evolved to identify/react to other risks present when diving underwater. This can mean that many risks in deeper diving remain as 'theoreticals'... numbers on a computer screen... and don't provoke any kind of fear or prudent response.
I tend to be very relaxed when I dive, not at all anxious, check my air and NDL frequently, have pretty good buoyancy control, and a fairly low rate of air consumption
Relaxed when? If everything is uneventful? What about when an emergency occurs?
Good buoyancy control, awareness and low air consumption are the
minimum requirement for more advanced recreational dives.
But... time to consider...what about your other skills?
When did you last practice air-sharing? How current and reliable is
that skill? What about your capacity to CESA? What's the deepest
proven depth you could safely ascend from without gas? How is your ability to diagnose and rectify fixable equipment problems in-water? Your knowledge of what to do if you exceed an NDL? Did you ever use a computer in emergency DECO mode yet? Would you recognize CO2 retention, if it happened? When did you last practice free-flow regulator breathing?
So why not go for it? I suppose I could arrange for some deep dive instruction first, but really don't want to spend the money if going to 100' is not that a big deal.
It's not a big deal if you
presume nothing will go wrong.
Does it become a bigger deal if you entered the water in the assumption that things would, or could, go wrong at that depth?
It should...
Don't assess risk based on a best case scenario.... consider the worst case situations and determine what you
know (not assume) your capability to deal with them is...
See what you think to this article:
Technical vs Recreational Scuba Diving: Boundaries and Limitations -
Caveat: I am not saying that a course will necessarily improve any of this. Many courses are junk.
It's not about the certification card you hold... it's about the skills, knowledge and competency you possess. You can teach yourself a lot... and get informal mentoring in many instances.
Experience counts for something... but your experience is limited only to what you've experienced... 50
uneventful dives is very little experience. 10
eventful dives is valuable experience. In general... doing more dives results in more exposure to incidents occurring. THAT is what is meant by gaining experience..
Read more:
The Experience Paradox and
The Biggest Risk in Diving (and how to avoid it)
There's no point doing an Advanced Open Water or Deep Diver course unless the instructor is genuinely going to increase your skill, knowledge and competency to mitigate risks involved with deeper diving. To assure that result, you need to carefully select an instructor who will
train you.... and not just one who will tick a few skills boxes to meet a basic requirement.
If you find a good instructor to develop your capacity for deeper diving, you'll know automatically
why that training was incredibly valuable.
If you've done a few dozen dives and nothing has yet gone wrong... then it's easy to fall foul of complacency. A mistaken belief that either (1)
nothing will ever go wrong.... or (2)
that your success on those past dives equates to high competency. That's when you start questioning the need for further training.
Why do it, right?
One thing to be aware of is the Dunning-Kruger effect. It's worth 'Googling'....