daniel f aleman:**************
Daniel, that's a pretty weak debate...
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daniel f aleman:**************
Rick Murchison:As your question presupposes a falsehood, it has no answer...
You a pollster or something?
lamont:Atomics are the new black...
All the cool kids are using them now...
*Floater*:can you get a service manual and rebuild kits for them?
CatalinaCanuck:I actually own a Scubapro Mk25 S600 Set, Great Regs for Warm Water. But while Ice Diving no matter how I tried to control my breathing, I would get not a minor, but a massive freeflow. I also noticed while manning the hotwater jugs that most of the Regs I was unthawing for other divers were Scubapros(mostly Mk25's). I tried another Divers Sherwood Blizzards and did not even get a mild Freeflo(was able to complete a 40 minute Dive). I also noticed that divers with APeks DS4 were not needing there Reg's to be unthawed, nor did I see any Freeflows from them. Most Tec Divers I talked to recommended the Apeks.
I now own 2 sets of ATX50/DS4's as I move into Tec Diving. I still have the Scubapro, I use them on Vacation in Warmer waters.