As the latest to pile on to this thread: Eric's thought seems to be that if certain guardian(s) of the flame of "correct" diving might bless the Freedom Plate, then more people might buy/use one. Seems to me that getting such blessing is a fool's errand, because many/most guardians of any particular flame are so singularly devoted to their particular definition of "correct" that they don't tolerate much divergence. Split fins violate GUE (what about Force Fins, my own favorite?) Side mount fans - a growing group, with their own acronyms, viz. UTD - argue about whether the SPGs can be on a 12" hose or only on a 6" hose. Etc.
From where I sit - recreational warm-water diver, ~25 dives per year, focused very intently on NOT doing it WRONG more than somebody's definition of DIR - much of this feels like people not just missing the forest for the trees, but even missing the trees for the leaves. I don't know the path from 400 Freedom Plate users to 4000 or 40,000. But I truly can't imagine that it's by appealing to the most specialized of the specialized.
I learned in a jacket, like almost everyone else. I switched to a plate - a Freedom Plate, in fact - and have been very happy with it. I do use 10 continuous feet of webbing, and a wing with cam band slots, but if somebody else wants to use a harness with quick releases, well, ok for them. When my kids learned, I had them skip jackets entirely - one uses a Transpac, the other an Oxycheq fabric backplate; so far they are happy & competent divers, and safe to the best of my judgement, but not, um, DIR. (And not in Freedom Plates, either, so far. Among other things, I'd like them to be able to dump all their weight...)
I had the chance to try side mount recently, because a guide lent me some of his own equipment. That seems like a good way to expose people to new ways of doing things.