I have really fought the urge to post on this thread as I believe this entire thread doesn't follow the forums rules. But since it has gone on for so long now I have decided to chime in a bit.
DIR - the name - its a marketing slogan not any different than the DiveRite name or Padi's slogan "the way the world learns to dive"
People make it controversial - from both sides of the fence.
The concept is just that a concept. If you like the concept go for it, if you don't move on until you find the one that works for you.
GI3's rants don't help from my perspective. I have read a few of those and quite honestly I won't listen to anyone who gets so negative about others - not just in scuba but in any of lifes disciplines. But it's his choice to state what he wants, some will listen, some will not. At the end of the day I just go diving - my way, and diving is a dangerous sport - we all take our chances.
One thing that I find controversial is that in this forum, one is to never say anything anti-dir (and I understand how things used to be - I mean a counter opinion not an argumentative one) but in the same sticky it basically says to take the DIR concept - philosophy - and go post it in other forums. Seems a bit one sided.
Case in point - in the HOG forum someone will ask about were to place stages or deco bottles. There will always be one poster who will say "You should put them both on your left now, that way you won't have to re-learn later". Kind of implies we will all change at some point. Not really a HOG answer and its nice the poster feels strongly about his opinion, but this takes us back to "it's people" that make it controversial.
I do have one question - 2 months back I saw a GUE class at the Blue Grotto - all of the GUE instructors were wearing red/black dry suits - what happened to the all black thing? Of course colors wont save us, wont kill us, and don't help with the sac rate either....
What we need is a sub forum down under wine and cheese - a dir vs the world bashing forum. Then the 15 or so folks who really enjoy having at each other would have a place to go and the rest of us can concentrate on scuba

Outside of the internet this really isn't an issue at all