Rick Murchison:
But if "DIR" means "doing it right" then you have already said they are not doing it right.
Which is it?
Does DIR mean "doing it right" or not?
Make up your mind.
To sit there and demand that everyone else understand that "DIR" means "doing it right" but "not DIR" doesn't mean "not doing it right" is ridiculous. You guys are off in la la land to think that makes any sense at all, and to fail to see that you're putting everyone else down by the use of the term is denial of almost pathological immensity.
Change the name or admit you're arrogant elitists. You can't have it both ways.
Then you really need to take it to JJ or GI3 and convince them to drop the term DIR. If they lead, we'll probably follow. I've already gone through my phase where I decided to stop identifying as 'DIR' diver on principle and instead identify as a GUE-trained diver precisely for the reasons that you've been all uptight about. After a round of tilting at windmills and I stopped and I've actually fallen so low I've stuck the dreaded TLA in my signature on this board. Get JJ to fix it if its so important because I can't...
If it helps any, my local GUE-instructor-in-training just told me that higher-ups at GUE are indeed trying to come up with an alternate term to use instead of DIR, due to this very controversy. That's why the organization is named GUE and not DIR International or something like that, among other things. The term DIR is already being deprecated, but no official alternative has been put forth yet. He is hardly at a point where he can make official announcements on behalf of GUE, but I have heard this echoed in other places including once or twice in this thread, so I tend to believe it is true.
The internet has a long memory, however, and habits are hard to break. I suspect the term DIR will continue to be used in both positive and negative ways for some time to come.
For me, it's a term. A three letter acronym that I rarely if ever expand to it's initials, because, as another wrote, it merely is a "single" word: "dee-aye-arr" which means "that team-based diving system that gets you ready for certain types of tech diving with a specific gear configuration originally developed for cave diving" in my mind. YMMV, but that's all it means to me.
I have yet to meet any DIR divers (or even DIR wannabes who have not passed DIR-F yet) who were
not considerate and polite, although I certainly know they are out there. It bothers me that the group as a whole is viewed as elitist and arrogant because of past baggage and an acronym carrying unfortunate implications, intended or otherwise. I personally am powerless to change things, however...
as is everyone involved in this thread, and to suggest that anyone involved should "Change the name or admit you're arrogant elitists" is DEFINITELY crossing a line into being closed minded and painting an entire group unfairly. There may be (and are) "bad apples" who are not the ideal proponents of the philosophy GUE teaches, but to make such a statement denigrates everyone involved, not just those "bad apples".
Note: I am not DIR, although my gear configuration is close. I doubt I will ever be a pure DIR diver, although I intend to take the training to learn more about it before coming to any final decision. (I was supposed to take it in November, in fact, but had to cancel after the first lecture due to a family emergency, and have rescheduled for the February class.)