Jeez, I am slacking and late to this party.
Let me say we were back in Coz like a week ago. Reef wise, I saw what I read about in the college kids reports. SCTLD has killed a lot of hard coral and algae moved in. I guess like the lionfish, it finally made its way to Coz. We had been gone 14 month with the dumb COVID. Back them it looked like the fight was still going on. Anyway, I am a poor judge of comparison. I was just so dang happy to be back. And I will be back this week again. Yea, Moderna.
As to hospitals, the missus thought she would try out a dive accident back in 2018 and see how she liked it. Pulmonary hypertension from some pesky leaking heart valves backed fluid into her lungs. It was on a night dive with the nieces and nephews and she didn't want to ruin it by calling the dive early so she just let them fill up as much as she could. On the safety stop, I couldnt figure out why she finished hers and went up before the group. When I came up, I found her on the later mentioning she couldnt breath. Nice. Got her stripped and on the boat and I got the highflow O2. on her. We were in Paradise, so close to the marina. Stuck her in the car and rushed to International. The O2 helped alot. International could not have been nicer. They were all over her to start. Basically it was mostly a treat the symptoms and hit her with the lasix. Even the medical director came in to help the on duty doctor. He is great guy. Then they stuffed us in the ICU for while. And when I say ICU I mean 3 private rooms with one nurse out front at a desk. And there was no one else there, so it was 1:1 coverage. Find that in the States. Once she seemed mostly back, we moved to the ocean front regular room. OMG, the view was awesome. If you have to be in a hospital, that is the view to have. Funny side note, they did have a translucent film on the very lower part of the floor to ceiling window, apparently because a guy would take his shower naked on his roof top just below the hospital.
Payment wise, it was easy. Blue cross grabbed most of it. DAN caught like $6-700 in copays/deductibles on it. Never even touched our year round trip insurance policy.
As a footnote, came home and got her in for 2 new pig valves as Johns Hopkins and fixed that problem.
The view: