Why I should Not be Solo Diving?

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Jiminy Cricket:
Ah, the old "nummynuts" routine...

Well, in that situation... If you are experienced enough, drive defensively, and take the proper safety precautions... Your survival rate jumps VERY dramatically.

Now... This thread is not about driving, and the ability of others... it is about DIVING and the abilities of the ONE.

Get back on track of your own thread.

Well, I have not seen any statistics or hard facts to back up any statements about survival rate, buddy diving or solo.
well, at least we know what we want.

So...Dennis. Why wouldn't DAN have these figures? Sort of doesn't make sense if you think about it. solo vs buddy death. calculate the percentage. Am I missing something?

I smell a conspiracy. A cover-up. We could be the safest divers on the planet...and nobody wants anybody to know.

Nemrod and Captain could possibly be safety icons. Think about the effect on the scuba industry pocket book if it got out that the safest divers in the world were, in fact, solo divers with the least formal training.

If I am found dead, you can have my snorkel.
So...Dennis. Why wouldn't DAN have these figures? Sort of doesn't make sense if you think about it. solo vs buddy death. calculate the percentage. Am I missing something?

I saw some stats in the past on this board. But divers who were lost during periods of buddy seperation were counted as solo divers. Until the populations are well defined, the stats are pretty useless.
I forgot what we were supposed to talk about. I fly, motorcycle, drive, dive buddy, dive solo. I'm so confused, am I supposed to take up sky diving now?

Having spent the time to read the thread to date I'll make one comment, a new diver here seems to think he can always break the fishing line, that's wrong. There are strong lines out there you will NOT be able to break and they must be cut. Just had to get that off my chest.

I've been hung up in 15 feet of water and while my buddy got me out without giving me the chance to prove I can do it, he did his job as I see it, I wonder how long it would have taken me.

For me my SCR is almost a third of what it is when I dive with a new buddy vs when I dive solo, although when I dive solo it's in areas I know and a pretty limited profile to boot.

It's pretty true that what you don't know can bite hard, and to be fair that happens to buddies as well as solo divers. The benefit to a good buddy team is help is at hand for it.

The disadvantage to buddies is that a poor one is dangerous, I've seen them get the briefing and seem to understand it and once they get underwater they seem to forget the plan and move full steam ahead.

I've seen solo divers who dive areas that are teaming with things to hang them up, tree branches, mono, poor vis, etc. and frankly that scares me.

The key thing is to be competent at the type of diving you do, don't bite off more than you can handle. A flight instructor once told me to take it one step at a time and not to toss in a dozen things all at once. In other words, you won't solo dive right from OW in poor vis in a forest that fisherman use routinely.

Get experience in poor vis etc, and work up to it.

Then, you must realize that if you're solo you are truly on your own and must be calm and collected.

Just had to post, missed out on the MOF thread and I'm not about to miss this one.
Good points Mathew.

I would say you give a balanced perspective and a good summary of the entire thread.

Dennis, you would not want my camera. My lenses maybe....

So...Kevrumbo just insulted us and left?

"photographers are the worst?" gasp. Now there is a new concept.

Well, I would like to see the data, make the buddy people claim the buddy they lost who died, and then compare the numbers. If you go in as a buddy and then lose each other...you certainly aren't a solo diver. Your intention and mindset is buddy. You fail to remain a buddy...you can't then call them solos. (Now there is a debate)

But, I know what the other side would say. We solo divers use each other when convenient. (true)
we should shut up in case something happens to us, you know.

lightning bolts, God, and all that?
Catherine says:

"Nemrod and Captain could possibly be safety icons. Think about the effect on the scuba industry pocket book if it got out that the safest divers in the world were, in fact, solo divers with the least formal training."

Uh, excuse me, I have Red Cross WSI (Water Safety Instructor), NAUI Scuba Diver, NAUI Advanced Scuba Diver, YMCA Scuba Diver, NAUI Assistant Instructor and I completed the NAUI Instructor course except that I broke my leg in a cycling accident during a Bud Light Triathlon and could not perform the test phase. I had medical complications and on top of that was in the middle of a careeer change with a real need to begin the semester for my Teaching MS in a different city which required a long and horrid move--long and short---I never got back to it. Another movie I like, Quiglly Down Under, I never said I did not have formal training, I just don't have much use for it (as it exists today). N
Ok, call me a fool, but I have no problems with doing a solo dive..
Im not generally diving solo, but yes, I have done it.
No, Im not very experienced. Infact I know im very inexperienced and therefore I act accordingly WHEN I dive solo.. I stay far away from anything that I could get stuck or entangled in, I dont dive deeper than what I can safely do a CESA from, I do atleast have people on the shore that can see that my bubbles stop coming and call my boss to say im not coming to work that day :p
Generally speaking, Im lots more caucious and I basically do those dives to keep contiunity in my diving.

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