Why I should Not be Solo Diving?

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Yeah, until your driving down the road and some dummy changes lanes "into" you and kills you, the fit one. But of course, there is no way to compare this to diving. You see, The fittest don't always survive when nummynuts can kill you.
Ah, the old "nummynuts" routine...

Well, in that situation... If you are experienced enough, drive defensively, and take the proper safety precautions... Your survival rate jumps VERY dramatically.

Now... This thread is not about driving, and the ability of others... it is about DIVING and the abilities of the ONE.

Get back on track of your own thread.
but who will take an ugly picture of you in full DIR regala?!:wink:


hey...he looks good.

I will stick up for manly men in doubles.

In fact, here is the perfect "dive team" in my world.

Me, my camera. Solo, unless I need something. Then it is really ideal to have a good looking DIR man in black, with doubles, and his **** together watching your back. And if he has speargun, I like that even better.

I bring gas in the boat to the picture. And, a decent shot of you doing your thing. I love good tech divers.

hey...he looks good.

I will stick up for manly men in doubles.

In fact, here is the perfect "dive team" in my world.

Me, my camera. Solo, unless I need something. Then it is really ideal to have a good looking DIR man in black, with doubles, and his **** together watching your back. And if he has speargun, I like that even better.

:Dyou forgot Dennis....you need to watch his back too.
They have snorkel laws at Laguna Beach...

Say WHAT?????? THAT honks me off; Southern Cal, the last bastion of individual freedom has become the SCUBA police - next thing you know the guards at Huntington & Newport will be whistling people in fromcatching the outside sets; or you'll have to wear a vest to body surf.
Jiminy Cricket:
Well, in that situation... If you are experienced enough, drive defensively, and take the proper safety precautions... Your survival rate jumps VERY dramatically.

I agree.

Jiminy Cricket:
Now... This thread is not about driving, and the ability of others... it is about DIVING and the abilities of the ONE.

I truly don't understand why people continue reacting this way to comparisons being made. It is a decent comparison, not to be taken as an equivalent though. This thread has taken twists and turns, but for the most part the posts have remained relevant. Diving solo, means not diving with a buddy (who has driving (whoops) abilities), and I have been persuaded to continue diving with buddies, so we have progressed to this situation now. Some of us have chosen to make comments regarding why we chose solo, which involves why we don't chose to have a buddy at times. Jeeze man. THREADS CAN PROGRESS PEOPLE. Do you wish we were still caveman?

Jiminy Cricket:
Get back on track of your own thread.

Incorrect statement, see above. And besides, it's my party (thread) and I can cry (go nuts) if I want to.
If you have to ask the question, you've answered it.

This statement is way too simple for me. I could never abide by something that simple. Sorry!
Oh...I thought you were long gone.

back on topic.

Are you a freediver, or did I mix that up?

How good are you?
Say WHAT?????? THAT honks me off; Southern Cal, the last bastion of individual freedom has become the SCUBA police - next thing you know the guards at Huntington & Newport will be whistling people in fromcatching the outside sets; or you'll have to wear a vest to body surf.

Shhhhhhh, don't give them any more bad ideas. By the way, scuba classes on the beach must end at 10:00 sharp in Laguna. I guess it is too distracting to have 4-5 people in wetsuits talking to each other. In answer to your next reaction...YES,...WAY!!!

There are probably others but we do have the right to pay parking meters .25 cents per 15 minutes for the right to park in the city!!!!

Me, my camera. Solo, unless I need something. Then it is really ideal to have a good looking DIR man in black, with doubles, and his **** together watching your back. And if he has speargun, I like that even better.

I need a female Marine Biologist like that. They are hard to find.

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