Why do we teach flutter kick at all?

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I think you are right though that it is the default kick that students will fall back on, and perhaps it is easier for an instructor to just let them kick however they want and focus on teaching other important things.

Yeah, I agree. I was a mess in my OW class. Honestly, looking back, I am surprised I didn't hurt myself. How I was using my fins was the last this on my mind and likely my teacher's too. It shouldn't be that way, but, in this day and age of faster and cheaper, it will continue likely.
I work with AOW students a lot, and during our open water training dives, in a local reservoir with a very silty bottom, we discuss and practice ways to avoid kicking it up, and killing the vis. A frog kick works, IF your feet are elevated above you body when close to the bottom. So does a scissors kick, IF you maintain a body position in which, again, the feet are elevated above the head. I think body control (or trim as some of you refer to it) and buoyancy control are more important than finning style. I have seen frog kickers kick up the bottom with their fins and their knees due to a poor body position. "Bicycle peddlers" kick up the bottom constantly, so I preach making yourself long and keeping feet elevated, and using a shallower kickfor scissor kickers. I both frog and scissor, and also use quite a bit of dolphin (or butterfly) kick as well. In each case, if my feet are on or near the bottom, I will kick it up. In each case, with proper body position, I won't.
In recreational bc's with over-weighted students and poor buoyancy and trim the frog kick is very difficult. New students are already task loaded and learning the frog takes a lot of time. I think it should be introduced at the ow level but expecting them to master it or even use it won't happen. I know OW instructors that can't frog kick.
The classic freestyle type of straight leg flutter kick will kick up stuff from the bottom if you are remotely close to it. The problem is the kick directs water movement downward. And I absolutely hate it when someone in front of me kicking up the bottom reducing viz even just in open water. I know this can sound too harsh. I was one of those divers before I know better, probably still do it from time to time now. But I agree non silting kicking technique should be mandatory in OW class. It is not that hard to learn and even if not perfectly executed everytime, silting will be dramtically reduced.
My extremely limited knowledge of frog kicking (watching youtube vids) makes it look like a very slow way to move. I also find some of the vids of people frog kicking and the like to be extremely impressive. A lot of precise control on display.

My question is, can frogs and flutters coexist? As in, can I frog when my buddy flutters? Because if that doesn't work out then you have your reason why you should teach flutter kicking - so people can actually dive with their buddies.

My limited experience with buddies so far is that they move faster than I want to go. If I started using a slower way of kicking too....
What are you basing the efficiency claim on? I've actually checked this for myself, and I consume significantly LESS gas frog kicking vs. flutter kicking over the same distance. The flutter kick *is* much stronger, so it certainly has its place (currents / etc). I've just never found it that efficient.

The flutter is the easiest and most efficient kick for OW. It also has a tremendous amount of power.

(Efficient = greatest distance traveled for least amount of gas consumed)
Lol...don't be snubs..

Is like if on the first six months of college they teach you differential equations and the fast Fourier transform... what's the point if you don't know calculus...

The same with scuba the ow course you are barely surviving and loosing the fear of being underwater...

LDS should do seminars or quick classes for different kicking styles even if it is not included in padi' naui' etc....

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