Why do we hate the Air2?

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If I did not do it, if Lynne did not do it, if NW Greatfull diver did not do it, if none of the other regulare DIR contributors did it...then why are we being vilified as being so snotty? All I recall is posts we answered where we tried to help...

There was a thread a year or two ago that went the same way. If I remember right, it was someone asking why the long hose was being used by DIR types while on recreational dives, but I may be misremembering the topic. After many pages of posts in which people answered the question by explaining why they chose to dive that way, someone posted a tirade about DIR always telling everyone that they are going to die if they don't do it their way, indicating in that rant that this attitude had been displayed throughout the thread.

In response, I quoted sentences from every single long hose responder that said that the choice was up to the individual, everyone can do what they want, it's perfectly safe to dive with a standard hose, etc. I had gone through the entire thread and had not found even a hint of the attitude that supposedly inspired the rant, and I asked the poster to point out the ones I had missed. He did not respond.

I will admit that there were such people on ScubaBoard in the past, and I remember them well because I was diving a standard rig at the time and those people really pi$$ed me off. One guy in particular used to say regularly that ALL standard octos came loose, dragged in the silt, became damaged, and NEVER worked when needed. How absurd! I haven't seen a post from him (or anything like it) in quite a few years. I think that memory carries over among some people.
If I did not do it, if Lynne did not do it, if NW Greatfull diver did not do it, if none of the other regulare DIR contributors did it...then why are we being vilified as being so snotty? All I recall is posts we answered where we tried to help...

I think all those people are very reasonable individuals. I don’t know any of them but I suspect that I would love to dive with them (provided they were OK with my AIR2).

I think sometimes other divers come across strong, but maybe that is just the way I read their post and so I assume the fault is in my translation as I have never encounter them in the real world.

I think when you start off a post with a ‘WHY DO WE HATE…’ you have lost a lot of people and anyone chiming in with a ‘BECAUSE’ even if they didn’t directly say because is going to be viewed as an enemy to the hated.
I think when you start off a post with a ‘WHY DO WE HATE…’ you have lost a lot of people and anyone chiming in with a ‘BECAUSE’ even if they didn’t directly say because is going to be viewed as an enemy to the hated.

I am not sure exactly what you meant by what you wrote, so it is possible I am concurring with what you say, or maybe not.

I just want to point out that the thread was created and titled by an AirII user who wondered if a perceived anti-AirII attitude originated with DIR. So, you are right, anyone who says why they personally prefer not to use it will be automatically branded a hater, even if they do not in fact have any hatred at all.
I would also like to point out that the OP's thread and word choice for the title is not the result of a long simmering SB feud. He joined SB earlier this month, and so far has only actively participated in this thread. It would be interesting to hear an explanation of where he got the idea that there is so much hatred.
I think when you start off a post with a ‘WHY DO WE HATE…’ you have lost a lot of people and anyone chiming in with a ‘BECAUSE’ even if they didn’t directly say because is going to be viewed as an enemy to the hated.

... which is why I said it's a loaded question ... there simply ain't any constructive way to respond to a question when it's worded like that ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
boulderJohn, NMGratefulDiver we are in complete agreement.
I call those troll titles.
They are trolls from the very start when they have negative wording in the title, they are just iching for a fight.
The other ones that come to mind were those "Warped dive evolution" threads.

Almost 300 posts and over 6000 views to discuss an Air2?
I call those troll titles.
They are trolls from the very start when they have negative wording in the title, they are just iching for a fight.
The other ones that come to mind were those "Warped dive evolution" threads.

Almost 300 posts and over 6000 views to discuss an Air2?

True dat ... but notice that those are always the threads that get the most responses.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
True dat ... but notice that those are always the threads that get the most responses.

Yes, there is a fine line between "trolling" and giving a new thread a slightly provocative title to encourage discussion. Not everyone will agree which side of the line a thread title falls on.
Gypsy Jim,
Good post....my only issue is that I still don't see where any of the DIR's on this board, said anything derogatory about a non-DIR diver's diving....or anything negative about non-dir's in general....

If I did not do it, if Lynne did not do it, if NW Greatfull diver did not do it, if none of the other regulare DIR contributors did it...then why are we being vilified as being so snotty? All I recall is posts we answered where we tried to help...

I placed blame on no one diver, or style of diving, but was commenting on an intollerence some show for others who have made differing styles, training, and equipment than those they chose, or have different tastes in dive goals.

There HAVE been some very intelligent posts, by many divers of differnt styles in this thread, from the parts I had the time to read. There has also been too much of the tired old belittle and condemn, by a vocal few, of that which they do not understand, and have no desire to make the effort to do so.
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