Why do we bash each other?

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I am referring to the original post by georgec. Unfortunately I could not respond in time as it seems the forum has now developed a whole new flavor.

Cheers, and may the bridge always be up!

Ah! Thanks! :)
Don't take away my freedoms. I like to have my own opinion and feel that it is a right to free speech.
So what I'm getting at is....

I would like to know what other people think here on this board otherwise why post opinions. I don't want someone to lie or merely tell me something i want to hear. I want someone to thank me and I want someone else to b**ch to me and both give me reasons why they feel like they do. From that I can choose which argument I support.

That is ..... a forum. right?
You have no freedom, nor right, to behave as you please on this or any other Internet forum ... except as granted to you by the owner of said forum.

Nobody can take away something you never had.

Grow some Balls.
Bet you say that to all the girls ... :shakehead:

So, Garth, are you saying one has the right to be rude, ugly, nasty, and personally attack (bash) another as part of their right to speak their mind?

absolutely, because there are a lot of idiots out there. I happen to be one on occasion and I would like it if someone is able to tell me about it if they need to.

are you a fan of Censorship? are you against our rights?
Censorship has nothing to do with it. You HAVE no rights to that sort of behavior.

On this ... or any other forum ... you only have the right to be rude, nasty, and personally attack others if the owners of that business decide to grant you that right. On this board, such behavior is and always has been specifically forbidden.

So ... maybe it is you who needs to be growing something ... brain cells would be a great start ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
So, Garth, are you saying one has the right to be rude, ugly, nasty, and personally attack (bash) another as part of their right to speak their mind?

absolutely, because there are a lot of idiots out there. I happen to be one on occasion and I would like it if someone is able to tell me about it if they need to.

are you a fan of Censorship? are you against our rights?

Since you state you are open to "someone is able to tell me about it if they need to', please allow me to point out a non sequitur logic flaw.

Just because one desire civility in a debate does not lead to supporting censorship, nor does that have anything to do with being against ones "rights".

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

No where does that first admendment give one the right to be ugly, mannerless, or hostile. The laws covering slander, libel, and Supreme Court rulings also support that free speech does not mean you can say what you blanking well please.

So, back to your statement above -- "absolutely, because there are a lot of idiots out there" . . . on what then, do you base your "entitlement" or "right" to
(a) pass judgement on another that s/he is an idiot; and
(b) so state without any a priori knowledge of the individual?

Lastly, being so sure of your 'entitlement' to be this way, will you sign your full name?

Jacqueline Tregre
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Garth, I hope you do not mind me asking you this question. I notice on your profile that you are a RN. I have been taught that spiders web, when applied to a wound, would slow down the bleeding. As I have tried this and apparently it seems to work, I do not know if it is the web, or my constant pressure on the wound. This is probably the wrong place, but as I travel very light, the question just presented itself.

Thank you Jax...........

You are quite welcome!

And after you get a few posts under your belt, we'll let you in on the bashing! :hugs:

Hey Bob,

Thank you for setting me straight on the fact that I have no freedoms. Maybe that statement isn't rude but it is not exactly optimistic though, right? My point is not any of those you listed were exactly rude or nasty, but none of them were exactly nice either. My point involves progress. It is not about something so subjective like whether someones feelings are hurt. I'm totally against rude comments and my comment about growing some balls is rather about courage to step into arguments for good cause.

If I may quote a different diver here on this thread... it has more to say than most divers have on this thread even those who have made 50 or more comments on this topic. This includes the Grateful Diver as well if I can say so with all do respect.

Why do we bash each other? Here is a theory:

We are not like other animals, living in peace with nature. Our creations and inventions keep us alive. Our forebears argued heatedly and often violently about the best way to raise a child, tan a hide, or shape a stone tool. We still do. If our diets are not nutritious, or our medicines don't work, or our arrows don't fly straight, or our roofs don't shed water, we weaken and die, and another, stronger tribe takes over our territory.

Thus, we humans have learned to ruthlessly critique and continuously improve every aspect of our culture, our science, and our technology, because our survival depends on it. Throughout history, these "discussions" about the merits of one thing versus another have made us the most successful - and most contentious - animal on earth.

It is worth considering that scuba diving would not exist at all, if humans didn't passionately argue about better ways to do things.

Compared to that, what are a few hurt feelings? (Insert ironic tongue-in-cheek thingy here)

Sorry for the hurt feelings.... but sometimes it seems as though Progress is more important, and some people need to pull up their boot straps and move on. (is this better than grow some balls?)

Is society stuck? Instead of critique with heated discussions, do we have to sit around saying sorry to everyone because we don't agree?

By the way, notice that I thanked you for your comment about me Bob because I have and still do like reading your posts.
Garth, I hope you do not mind me asking you this question. I notice on your profile that you are a RN. I have been taught that spiders web, when applied to a wound, would slow down the bleeding. As I have tried this and apparently it seems to work, I do not know if it is the web, or my constant pressure on the wound. This is probably the wrong place, but as I travel very light, the question just presented itself.


Your anatomy is made of collagen which is sewn together like silk from a web but no I've never heard about a spider web helping a wound from stopping bleeding but this doesn't mean that it cannot be true. I am not well versed in treatments outside of the hospital and homeopathic medicine, i must admit.

Good luck

Does a spider web have coagulants in them? Interesting. I use thrombin impregnated dressings in bad trauma's and liver transplant patients.
Your anatomy is made of collagen which is sewn together like silk from a web but no I've never heard about a spider web helping a wound from stopping bleeding but this doesn't mean that it cannot be true. I am not well versed in treatments outside of the hospital and homeopathic medicine, i must admit.

Good luck

Does a spider web have coagulants in them? Interesting. I use thrombin impregnated dressings in bad trauma's and liver transplant patients.

I read a historical book about the beginnings of medicine back in the days of swords hacking hugely, etc. The healers would gather spiderwebs to put over the wounds - it seemed to give the blood something to coagulate to . . . FWIW.

Darn it, Garth, you had to go and get reasonable on me! I thought we had a logic debate brewing . . .

:D :popcorn:

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