Why DIR doesn't work for me...

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Uncle Pug

Swims with Orca
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Pacific N.W. USA
****Note that the title of this thread is NOT "why I don't like DIR" so please guys (& gals) ... I am sticking my neck waaay out here... so try to keep this rational and without personal rancor***

My question:

~~~What elements of the DIR configuration and/or diving philosophy have you TRIED and found not to work for your specific type of diving?~~~

I expect that there will be answers in rebuttle but I would also ask that they be courteous and thoughtful...

I really want to know what hasn't worked for you.... and if I can see why I might offer a solution... and if I agree with you I will also acknowledge that...
How nice of you to ask in such a non-threatening manner.No long hose for rec diving.Use computers for rec and some deco diving.Dive solo a lot.Deeper than 130 on air(150'-160' warmwater spearfishing)I stuff long hose when using doubles,restow in DIR fashion tho.
Personally who is the DIR organization to say that I personally am not diving right now? What I find the most agitation from when I hear about DIR and Why I personally find no reason to persue the long hose etc. given by DIR. is I Dive pretty (insert own sentence enhancer) correct now. In my diving so far have seen no reason to change From the way I have been diving, to doing things that make no practical sense to myself. now having a H-valve on my tanks would be great I don't think it is a must. If I dive within the perview of my training and follow what has been taught there is no need...so the answer I give to the question Why DIR doesn't work for me? who are complete strangers to tell me I am not?:box:

Now was this response in the manner of your question probly not
does that make either of us a bad diver because we dive in a manner comfortable to us?
I feel that DIR doesn't allow me enough flexibility to change my style and equipment to the dive conditions. I don't feel any one style (DIR or otherwise) is suitable for everyone or every dive.
I avoid the DIR personalities, alth I have met many of the west coast guys, and they are all much nicer in person.

AS part of a "holistic" approach, I recently took a long look at all of my practices, to see what culd be improved and what could not. I tried the bungee. It's genius, makes perfect sense, and relieves me of my long standing hatred for the octo hlders, and the way the hose loops down when I inverted. However, then I need to think about what length hose to share with, because it must be lnger than std. primary. Tried octo length, didn't like it because it was an entanglement point. Went to the long hose, and I love it.

I use a BP and wings because I just find them more comfortable. But I also use a hard mounted pony, split fins, an integrated computer, a regular light, etc. Have been known to stray off solo.

I just found those things that improved my diving and made sense and adopted them, the rest I left out.

BTW, strictly OW rec.

Hi there,

I'm still new to DIR but having just completed a TDI decompression procedures course a few weeks ago, I have kept my reg setup with a long hose primary and second bungied around my neck.

I think I actualy prefer this setup to the regular short hose primary & octo on a breakaway setup.

I got lots of sidelong looks and questions on Sunday when I went beach diving (18 fsw - 6 msw) with the LDS weekly dive gang (we get together most every sunday).

I've been doing lots of reading and following many of the DIR/tech threads on this board and while I can currently in no way claim to be DIR (still dive a SeaQuest Pro "jacket" BCD), I find that I am moving in that direction a bit more with each new dive equipment purchase and each new course I consider taking.

Will I ever be "fully" DIR? I don't know yet.

I am definately adopting some of the DIR practices as I feel they make sense. Especialy as I have begun diving to deper depths and started getting in to wreck diving.

We'll have to see how I'm diving a year or two from now to find out just how far I'll integrate the DIR philosophy into my diving I guess.
Actually, several things. I like the gear configuration. I'm moving to rig my gear if in not the same fashion, but similiar. I like the idea of building no failure points into my gear setup. I'm moving toward this in my own gear. The team concept is a idea that I agree with. I don't necessarily think that rec divers need to follow that concept as religiously as the DIR guys, but once again I have adapted some of the DIR team concepts into my diving practices. I also agree that all divers should have a plan for every dive. We need more divers to plan their dive. Jumping in and getting wet isn't a plan. DIR isn't bad in concept or practice, as a matter of fact it's GOOD! I think we as rec divers can adopt certain DIR practices to our diving and become better and safer divers.Sometimes the messanger just kills the effectivness of the message and I suspect this is an issue that the DIR people need to address. :tree:Bob

UP: This isn't what you asked for, but as I thought about your question, I found there's more to agree with than to disagree. Sorry. Bob.

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