Hold off your renewal. Grow-up. DAN is a secondary insurance. DAN is a support source. This took place on a boat miles from shore with both a marine radio and a satelite phone. What was the boat crew doing while the postee was calling DAN. Is this boat operating off shore and does not know how to contact USCG. It has been pointed out that the USCG has a watch monitoring the marine radio. It has been pointed out that the USCG does not charge for services that are unique to them. Has anybody been on the water when a helicopter tries to rescue somebody? It is not something the evening news chopter attempts. I would imagine it is not something most stunt pilots would attempt. Call the USCG when on the water.
Hold off your renewal
I have a good friend whose wife would not be here today if DAN had refuse service...... oh yeah they were not members at the time. It has been pointed out that DAN's own brochure says to expect delays when contact further help. Do you have the contact number for the Florida Keys USCG rescue station...That's the direct line. I do......us the marine radio. Who to call first is a great question. In my rescue they teach to evaluate and then call 911. We live in an area where cellphones can reach several counties, so we were taught to identify where we are calling from. After calling 911 it is recommended to contact DAN to keep them in the loop and activate the chamber is needed. I my case my buddies contacted DAN while I was stabilized in the ER and they put the doctor in touch with the nearest chamber doctor. It is confusing about using Travel Assist. We had assumed that meant once the doctors have determined it is not a stroke, heart attack ...etc. Once we contacted Travel Assist it did take time.... you want to arrange a medical helicopter ride half way cross country?
To blame all the damage done to the diver on a 40 minute delay is a stretch. I was taken off O2 for 2 hours and the chamber doc said it was not critical. What was the boat crew doing the whole time. Did the person stay online until DAN had reached the USCG? We do not know. What I remember at the time of my event and what was actually said are different at points. DAN is not likely to post on this board concerning a legal battle. Would you? DAN probably has recordings of what was actually said.
It was also pointed out that push comes to shove better to be in debt and alive than save a few pennies. All the people that we interacted with at DAN during my case where knowledgable, patient and understanding. I was lucky and have recovered fully. Until the postee gives the link with all the facts from both sides I am forced to side the DAN since I have had interactions with them.
You want to look up the people DAN helped during the Tsunami? Nah. You want to check out the whole story behind the "DAN won't cover you if you go to chamber" story? Nah. Just hold off on your renewal, especially before going on a dive trip. Oh yeah, don't check the story in Advanced Diver magazine by a diver who got the bends while on a trip.
It is a good question. Who do you call first? We beat it around here and came up with pretty much what has been said...... Call 911 or similar EMS. Call DAN to consult. Once stabilized contact Travel Assist for further transportation. Face it, EMS is alot closer that DAN. I had one buddy talking to DAN on one phone while another was calling EMS. What was the boat crew doing
Don't they have an emergency action plan?
Hold off your renewal

To blame all the damage done to the diver on a 40 minute delay is a stretch. I was taken off O2 for 2 hours and the chamber doc said it was not critical. What was the boat crew doing the whole time. Did the person stay online until DAN had reached the USCG? We do not know. What I remember at the time of my event and what was actually said are different at points. DAN is not likely to post on this board concerning a legal battle. Would you? DAN probably has recordings of what was actually said.
It was also pointed out that push comes to shove better to be in debt and alive than save a few pennies. All the people that we interacted with at DAN during my case where knowledgable, patient and understanding. I was lucky and have recovered fully. Until the postee gives the link with all the facts from both sides I am forced to side the DAN since I have had interactions with them.
You want to look up the people DAN helped during the Tsunami? Nah. You want to check out the whole story behind the "DAN won't cover you if you go to chamber" story? Nah. Just hold off on your renewal, especially before going on a dive trip. Oh yeah, don't check the story in Advanced Diver magazine by a diver who got the bends while on a trip.
It is a good question. Who do you call first? We beat it around here and came up with pretty much what has been said...... Call 911 or similar EMS. Call DAN to consult. Once stabilized contact Travel Assist for further transportation. Face it, EMS is alot closer that DAN. I had one buddy talking to DAN on one phone while another was calling EMS. What was the boat crew doing