Well you can look at it this way. Apex used to sell in North America under the Zeagle name. Now since they are ownd by Aqualung and sold under the Seaquest name parts should not be a problem. I have never had problems getting parts for either generation of North American Apex's, Zeagle or SQ. Also since the world record diver to 1010 ft used Apex regs that may help you make your mind up.
Well you can look at it this way. Apex used to sell in North America under the Zeagle name. Now since they are ownd by Aqualung and sold under the Seaquest name parts should not be a problem. I have never had problems getting parts for either generation of North American Apex's, Zeagle or SQ. Also since the world record diver to 1010 ft used Apex regs that may help you make your mind up.