So, heading roughly south, I'd put the time more afternoonish, if this is August, then 4-5 ish.
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Heading ... 120 ... you and I just did that route last Friday night ...dsteding:So, heading roughly south, I'd put the time more afternoonish, if this is August, then 4-5 ish.
NWGratefulDiver:Heading ... 120 ... you and I just did that route last Friday night ...
.. Bob (Grateful Diver)
Uncle Pug:Semi-correct: August, ie: summer.
That is the funny thing about Puget Sound:
Summer is usually the time when we have reduced visibility due to algae and plankton growth but there are times when we have >70' visibility along with abundant light. During those times we get a plenary view of dives sites we are accustomed to navigating by landmark and Braille.
Winter is usually the best time for decent visibility but during times of high run off and/or high wind caused turbidity, the visibility can be some of the worse.... zero in some cases.
I expect things to clear up a bit in January.
Uncle Pug:3:34pm according to the camera's digital time stamp... I'll go back and check my log. Wait... I don't have a log.