Where can I find Latex or Butyl gloves?

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Middle Michigan
Looking to purchase via online/catalog plain uninsulated latex or butyl dry suit gloves. I have the rings and liners, just need some new gloves.

Only thing I seem to find is the blue ones with insulation and/or rings included.

Got the rings, just lookin' for some more gloves.


p.s. I know there are some on eBay, looking for non-auction source.
There is a person selling butyl gloves on ebay. He is a diver and says that they are the best gloves for diving.
Thanks for the suggestions thus far. I have ordered a couple of pair of the gloves that lakesdiver suggested. One in a size 9 and the other in a 10.

The company has a pretty good "volume" discount. buy more than one pair and they immediately drop a buck a pair. Good deal.

How easy do they stretch over a ring I wonder....

I'll know soon enough and will post my thoughts and such.

Thanks again,


I misread your post and have probably lead you astray. I've got the double ring set in which the glove is held in one ring with a heavy o-ring. That's the kind of set for which I bought my gloves. I don't know if they'll work for the kind of set you described in your last post. Sorry for misleading you.
I know where you live.......LOL.

Just kidding. If they dont work, I'm out a big whopping $15.00.

If they dont work, doesn't matter any way....I'll eventually buy a different set of rings at some point.

If they dont work and I dont buy some rings, they'll be there if anyone needs a spare, or I need some patching material.

I'm new to dry gloves anyway, I probably should have described my system a little better.

Problem with gloves....is there is no one/single "DIR Approved" glove and ring system yet.

It sounds like we have the same system anyhoo, I think....maybe.....sort of......

what the hell....if they dont fit/work...at least I have a nice set of long black rubber gloves for when I am chopping up my victims in a bathtub with a chainsaw :mean: :D


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